>>Szafir Zawisza (Asthya [LC AU])



1 month, 23 days ago


 The "tax collector" man 


Name Asthya
Age In his thirties
Alias Szafir (by siblings)
Gender Male
Sexuality Undisclosed (gayy)
Pronouns He/Him
Role taxes? Taxes collector
Race Human (modfied)

 Design and trivia 
  • He cuts his hair short, due to it getting stuck in his phrosthetics when he was younger - the phrosthetics aren't visible these days, but he instist on still doing it.
  • His mask serves to hide his scars, he doesn't like when the metal is showing through.
  • Due to past experimentation, he has gained metallic muscle that merges with organic and unorganic matter. Skins regrows over them, but is easily damaged.
  • Although painfull, he can remotely modulate and change his voice. Asthya's also capable of changing silhuette and size to some extent - his default height is 193cm
  • He was raised by Purple tear, but unlike his siblings didn't become a fixer - instead taking on more political approach.
  • Dresses casually, since he isn't a big target and would rather rely on body guards than his own defense.
  • Wears a suit on his arms instead of just putting it on.
Reference Here

"There's no point in interrogating them about it-" he says before argalia can do another idiotic thing "they stared into the sun without knowing it burns."

Personality: Zawisza's a smooth talker, being able to get his way through subtle manipulation. He's adaptive, surviving in various places - usually picking on a mask of a polite and friendly man. In reality he's quite analitical and cold; like his canon counterpart, he has a two faced nature. It isn't as amplified though, as there still lies some emphaty and care - especially for his loved ones.

Background: Zawisza was born in december, along with his siblings: Argalia and Angelica. They were abonded by their caretakers and used as experiment subjects. He doesn't like reminiscing on this part of his life, due to it leaving him scarred both psychically as mentally - his very body was altered, turning most of his muscle and organs metallic. His limbs were also severed and replaced with phrosthetics, in an attempt at creating an organic cyborg.

Unknown time later, they have either escaped or were rescued off this place - going under the care of Purple tear. Under the mentorship, Asthya has grown stronger and more confident. His talent lied in persuasion though, which Lori nudged him towards instead of honing fighting skills.

Work and schemes:

He took active part in the life of the wing, quickly gaining trust and status - Thanks to both his skills and the connections he's made, Zawisza was able to obtain wealth - but this sort of life carried unwanted attention. Thus, deciding to divide his life into various personas, he created fake identities.
  • Tax Collector:  Main identity, working a bureaucracy job that pays the bills and doesn't focus many eyes on him. Likes dealing with clients that aren't threatening to kill him for merely mentioning the o overdue payments, but thankfully he can sway the agression back to the good nice terms. Good opportunities to meet possible future connections
  • Undisclosed:
  • (OOC: when I lore it I will lore it, for now see it as various shady things with shady people.)

Lob Corp: Collects taxes from them and various doccumentation for the head. Might have known A before his death. Definitely knew Kyle, who he accidentally mistakes with Mochi - calling the new manager by their dead brothers name.

The Blue Reverberation

"He also eats mayoneese with jam... and if he's feeling less maniac, an onion with sugar"

Fish eating lunatic and biological brother.

Skilled combatant and, much like Zawisza, excelent manipulator. In reality, clingy as all hell and god forbid you try to escape him. He will find you. Since Angelica spends most her time with Roland these days, he bothers Asthya instead (he will pretend to be annoyed with his presence, but in reality, enjoys his company) They often bicker, but can rely on each other in times of need.

(Along with Angelica create the AAA battery trio, bc I thought it's funny - canonically, Purple Tear gave them names starting with 'A'.)


Work and friends:
Trusts very few, get's along with everyone (exception for current Lob Corp's Manager specifically. They got beef)


Nicknamed "Jagoda", biological sister

Unlike Argalia, he's actually happy for her marriage to Roland. Were especially close as kids, but as adults spend time with their own lives.

She's the chill one out of the siblings, loves the sun and relaxing unbothered by anything. Kicks ass professionally.

Purple Tear

Past cretaker and mentor, currently an associate connection

Asthya's gratefull for her help and teachings, in return serving as one of her eyes and ears where she can't get herself. He's aware of Lori's ultimate goal, sometimes questioning her.


Past lover and partner, dead currently

Utter fool, brash and arrogant- But, it was nice having someone close like this. Asthya once asked him, "Why do you stay, knowing I'm using you? to which he replied nonchalantly- "You're funny". A minute passed untill he broke the silence with a more sincere answer: "You're not as cruel as you'd think, Zawisza. You would have backstabbed me long ago". He was gone the same day, leaving a note, next to a white rhododendron flower.

"While rhododendron plants look attractive, thanks to their full, fluffy blooms with delicate petals, they are rather deceiving. In the Victorian age, a rhododendron was a symbol of warning and danger due to its poisonous nature, and was said to mean 'beware'."

The letter warned phobos about Jabediah's incoming attack