Heyo I'd love to get one!


https://imgur.com/0YRy9TK - better ref (currently being finished)

If the main flag could be asexual with a lesbian pattern on the cheek, I'd adore it!

Oh absolutely :D! Would you like me to use this image for color reference? Or would you like it to be in black and white? (Because the ref doesn't have color yet)

Yes that color works perfectly!

AWESOME! I will pm you where to send the money and once its sent ill get started :D!

Nyx-Rising HELLO! I finished! If you would like anything changed then feel free to ask :,D!

Its looks great! Tysm!

of course! I'm glad you like it :,D!

- Character link (or IC): https://toyhou.se/14646599.purinsu-nakamura yassss (OK THIS IS EXTRA but you can leave the 2 billion necklaces off :sob: you can also remove the bracelets if they are Too Much ^_^)

- Flag(s) you want: genderfluid flag

- Would you like their Flag on their cheek?: no

complete teehee
