Oliver Marcel



1 year, 10 days ago


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Oliver Marcel

Called Frosty, Ice Prince, Snowflake

Gender Male

Pronouns He/Him

Age 100+

Race Vampire

Role Prince

Theme Hellbent

HTML Pinky


Prince of Veiss, a snowy country to the north. The Marcel family is known for their vampiric lineage, which descends all the way to the youngest children in the bloodline.

Although cold he may seem at first meeting, he truly does wish the best for everyone around him, though believes it is best achieved at a distance.


Height 5'10"

Build Average

Eyes Dark Blue

Skin Tone Pale

Hair Color White

Hair Style Loose and Straight

Demeanor Cold


  • Is protective of his younger sister, Winter.
  • Has permanent dark circles under his eyes.
  • Will not let anyone touch his hair.
  • Does not like going outside.


Friendly Reserved
Polite Blunt
Clever Foolish
Sensitive Tough
Brave Timid
Careful Reckless
Sincere Deceptive
Diligent Lazy
Calm Irritable
Humorous Serious

He has been brought up from birth to be a serious prince, and to prioritize the needs of his family above anyone else. He believes the truth should be told no matter the consequence, as such things should be dealt with once they appear. Despite all this, he does have a soft spot for non-human beings (animals, spirits, etc.) and has been known to help them at the cost of his own cold facade.


Ice Cream

Despite living in one of the coldest regions of Twisted Wonderland, he does have a deep love for ice cream - specifically, mint chip flavored.

Horror Novels

He believes written word is one of the best mediums for protraying thoughts and feelings, and enjoys seeing just where peoples' own minds bring him. Horror especially, since if a few words can bring someone into such an anxiety-causing experience, it's something worth reading.


He thinks cats are better than people, especially with the way they can communicate with one another with little noises and purrs. He sometimes wishes he could be a cat.


Due to Veiss's freezing climate, most plants do not survive there unless meticulously watched and cared for in a greenhouse. He himself has a few potted plants he keeps under artificial conditions. And yes, he has named them.


The Sun

Due to his vampiric genes, his body does not do well in direct sunlight. Unlike the movies and media portrayals of becoming ashes or sparkling, he just becomes severely fatigued and requires a recovery period. It's a rather large nuisance.


He values his space. Being in a crowd of people - especially an unavoidable one like in cities or in school - makes him severely uncomfortable, and as such he often waits til they clear for him to go anywhere.


He has never liked when people touched his hair, and cutting it is even worse since it requires quite a bit of touching, moving, and removing said hair. He trims his own hair as a result.


As a very clean and organized person, he does not like when there is any amount of clutter in eyesight. He often has to stomp down the urge to clean it when it shows up.




Journaling, basically writing down his thoughts or about his day. He has several diaries kept about differing subjects.


He has a bit of an angry resting face. It keeps people from wanting to interact with him. He also unconsciously straightens himself up or flattens out his clothing.


He collects novels, mostly of horror or romance - some even have both! He has quite a bit of the library dedicated to his own interests.



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Quisque quis posuere arcu. Aliquam erat volutpat. Nullam in sem non sem efficitur aliquet. Donec ac convallis lorem, eu mattis metus. Etiam bibendum justo vel turpis malesuada, et malesuada purus condimentum. Proin suscipit ac arcu a vestibulum. Vivamus lacinia urna eget eleifend suscipit. In vestibulum feugiat auctor. Phasellus ac ornare nibh. Integer condimentum placerat velit, id mollis massa gravida nec. Ut at turpis ut nisl sollicitudin aliquet. Phasellus pretium feugiat eros, vitae aliquam nibh ullamcorper nec.


Donec condimentum velit turpis, sed tincidunt nisl egestas eu. Vestibulum lorem neque, placerat id arcu a, commodo ultrices arcu. Etiam rhoncus a tellus eu faucibus. Duis egestas velit ac est fermentum efficitur. Quisque nec tincidunt ante, quis maximus augue. Integer sit amet suscipit ligula. Duis vehicula sapien in lorem venenatis, sit amet sagittis lectus consectetur. Suspendisse potenti. In suscipit ut leo sagittis rutrum. Nam sed turpis quis ligula molestie lobortis nec quis nulla. Nulla dignissim vehicula elementum. Duis neque erat, lacinia interdum massa eu, interdum aliquet lorem. Aenean volutpat mattis viverra. Mauris consequat consectetur lobortis. Ut pulvinar dictum enim, non auctor leo luctus at. Mauris euismod ut nunc id tristique.


Donec ut nulla fringilla mi sodales mattis. Morbi sit amet congue justo, quis pretium ante. Aliquam nec pretium massa. Suspendisse erat eros, congue non malesuada in, sagittis volutpat erat. Quisque cursus pretium ligula, efficitur sodales velit malesuada at. Vestibulum et turpis ut odio sagittis efficitur. Morbi congue urna odio. Proin maximus, elit eget tincidunt iaculis, neque urna interdum diam, eget pharetra tellus dui vitae nisl.

Nulla a mollis orci. Nulla sed odio suscipit, pulvinar dui ac, porttitor nibh. Aliquam tincidunt, justo quis feugiat vulputate, nunc justo lobortis eros, vitae mattis turpis lacus quis arcu. Morbi fermentum, eros a viverra imperdiet, mi leo rutrum nisi, in eleifend sem metus eu odio. Duis congue, tortor eget sodales mattis, dui velit dignissim lorem, quis commodo est purus sit amet urna. Fusce ac interdum libero. Vivamus imperdiet ullamcorper nisi eu porttitor. Praesent consequat, turpis sit amet lobortis rhoncus, mi magna feugiat velit, a tincidunt nisl diam sit amet sapien. Donec nisi lacus, sodales vitae diam quis, vehicula pellentesque ante. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Integer feugiat mauris risus, in luctus metus bibendum sed.







He's met them on a few occasions - mostly for celebrations that invited their family - and wants to be friends, but is very bad at initiating. He is comfortable speaking with them as they are, but as they go to different schools and only see each other once in a while during breaks, they won't go further than being close acquaintances.




Viktor has been the family butler for centuries, and basically helped raise Oliver to be who he is today. So despite Viktor's rather creepy tendencies, he is rather attached to the demon.