


6 years, 25 days ago



Name Juhani
Age ?
Gender Male
Occupation Druid/Shaman (based on Siberian Shamanism)
Alignment Chaotic Good


  • music and sounds of nature
  • rain
  • history
  • wildlife


  • crowds
  • responsibilities
  • people who critique his lifestyle
  • attention & close contact

hedonistic . kind and friendly but only if you reciprocate . optimistic

☘️ He's tall - his height is around 2m30cm (his ref is pretty old and doesn't show that); ☘️ His house looks like an alchemist's hut - he stores tons of herbs: useful, harmful, as well as non-identified ones. He will take anything the forest offers (herbs, flowers, mushrooms, feathers, small rocks, small bones) to store it in his house for later use. Doesn't like cleaning his place as he believes everything he finds can be of use sooner or later; ☘️ Like some shamans do, he may use entheogens (Amanita muscaria in particular) to achieve a trance state; ☘️ Since there are no people who come to him for help (he lives in isolation) he more often than not uses soul/spirit-journey as a way to "meditate" - he can be found drumming or just sitting for hours humming to himself/talking to someone; ☘️ Whether he can actually talk to spirits and see them is questionable and there is no one close to him enough to find out, and he is uncomfortable with sharing what goes on in his head with strangers; ☘️ Probably looks frightening to others because of his height and occupation, but he will be really awkward if you try to talk to him. He is probably more scared of you than you are of him; ☘️ Loves travelling, but always returns to his forest house in the end of the journey; ☘️ Uses tambourine and beater made of birch; ☘️ Doesn't care about his clothes but is fond of little accessories;

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