


1 year, 15 days ago


silly little cringe Half Life oc yass

-> Has a lack of self-identity, which can explain why they choose to dress the same as their parental figure

        They are very monotone, and don't talk much if it isn't needed.

-> Very basics of their backstory:
When they were younger, they were found in a field by people from the Black Mesa Research Facility. Originally they took the appearance of a large grub. Due to the extremely notable other wordly behaviours they exhibited, they were hard to contain and difficult to take back to Black Mesa. Gman was informed of the existence of this entity via his employers and was advised to aid Black Mesa in researching E. Overtime in Black Mesa E would produce loud, piercing noises which would negatively effect the scientists, and they often would mimic people who would interact with them. This includes mimicking their voices (though not very accurately, but enough for it to cause concern) and mimicking their body movements once they had the ability to do so, after growing more. After a couple of months most scientists would have to interact with E to determine who was viable to collect their data and moniter them. Gman was instructed to go to Black Mesa to watch them from afar, and sightings report that he was often seen getting closer to the specimen itself (E) in their test chamber, sometimes in the company of other scientists and sometimes on his own accord.

E didn't react negatively to Gman, most likely because they both were not human, and as E got older and grew the appearance of a young alien-like child, they would mimic specific features of Gman, such as his tone of voice, his eyes, and other physical features.

After E reached a certain age Gman chose to take E into his own care, because they became too difficult to study in Black Mesa, so the information known about their species became limited at that point.