


1 year, 10 days ago




So, where should we start? Well... Moose is a colossal fluffy dragon from a more herbivorous species. His community had considerably less trouble surviving the mass extinction of all animals except dragonkind due to dragon overpopulation and overhunting. While the community was more omnivorous beforehand, they quickly became more herbivorous and opportunistic in the harsh new circumstances. While he can still digest meat, he often prefers vegetation. His community was also one of the first to adopt the practice of raising and farming what few animals remained into livestock to combat hunger and extinction, since they had little to no temptation to devour their livestock.



. Subtitle .


Moose is generally kind and well-mannered, and he has a good connection with his community. He will fight if he feels threatened, and he fights pretty well as well. h5b3qD5.jpg In one fight, his lower jaw was broken, and then wrenched off. He’s still not sure why that peculiar individual wanted him dead, since he had nothing of worth to steal, had not wronged that individual in any way, and they didn’t seem interested in eating any other dragons. While he lay dying after the fight, he was infected by a parasitic special kind of plant that growths inside of a creature (most usually dragons) and saps up their blood to feed itself since its photosynthesis isn’t enough to keep it alive for long. Since Moose is so huge though, he has plenty enough blood to donate a little to this plant without dying or feeling very weak. In turn, they have more of a symbiotic relationship. The plant can supply him with strength, patch up his wounds from the inside and numb the pain, and can even be commanded by his brainwaves to form those little vines coming out of his mouth there into the shape of a new lower jaw so that he can talk or have them burst from his skin and circle around a part of his body like armor (there’s not enough of the plant for a functional full-body unless he curls up into a really tight ball). Erick sometimes thinks the plant has taken control of Moose and that he’s been talking to a plant this whole time and not a giant fluffy moose-horned dragon, which he thinks is cool anyways.


vm7k51Y.jpg Moose was the first to meet Erick, since he had ran away from his community after being infected by the parasitic plant. They hit off surprisingly well, despite their widely differing ideals. Moose also never really totally trusted Jewel when she came along, especially as he learned more about what she might really be.

I am just
the wandering soldier
infested with my crimes.


Moose is a very sweet a caring individual. He has always created close ties with his good friends and would fight with his life for them. He is considerably loyal and would rather perish than shame his friends with surrender or resignation. He usually puts his full trust and appreciation into those he knows, with few exceptions. While he is a little more impulsive, he is also quiet, analytical, and cautious, wanting to avoid trouble if possible. While it is hard to offend him, he is quick to enrage at any threats or harshly mocking words towards his friends, and with his behemoth size, his anger can make him very dangerous if you pick a fight with him.

. Likes.Dislikes .

  • Fruit
  • Flowers and Flora
  • Sightseeing
  • Animals
  • Insults
  • Betrayal
  • Unreasonable violence
  • Confinement


Physical abiliy


Social ability



  • Trivia piece one! write some text here. text text text Trivia piece one! write some text here.
  • Trivia piece two! write some text here.
  • Trivia piece three! write some text here.Trivia piece one! write some text here.Trivia piece one! write some text here.Trivia piece one! write some text here.Trivia piece one! write some text here.


Adjective . pronouns . Status
Code by Wolfhowler