Yeshua's Comments

this guy is very cool!! i couldn’t see him to well because the image isn’t available butttt i tried my best

• has a very steady hand and carves things as a hobby

• his feathers kind of ruffle when he gets angry, stressed, scared, etc. 

• very particular about his work, often pulls allnighters working and ignores his basic needs (workaholic) 


Thank you, I love those headcannons!

Also, that's strange that you couldn't see the image. Was it just stuck on loading or did it just straight up seem like it wasn't in his galley? Wait, nevermind, I just realised you could still see him, just not properly

it showed up with the ltiny blue question mark! (like i could see the thumbnail) 

and im glad! i love cassowaries what a cool guy

Oh yeah, that sometimes happens with me as well with other images, so I guess toyhouse just couldn't be asked with him(also, thank you! cassowaries are indeed sick)