mango sunburst



11 months, 29 days ago


"I wish I was a dumb popstar so the words wouldn't matter to you."
name mango sunburst
age young adult
gender enby
pronouns she/sea
species unicorn
orientation lesbian
Demeanor aloof

code jiko


Mango Sunburst, or just Mango for short, is a young unicorn orignally from Brismane, and Equestria's biggest upcoming pop sensation! Mango gained notarity after a couple nostalgic summertime pop songs she made exploded on social media. Sea is quiet and is hard to read, but still very fiesty when she does speak up. Spends most of her time online, and rarely donning anything other then her signature unreadble expression. However under the surface lies a pony with a deep passion for creating music in all it's forms, from feel-good pop songs, to dark and emotionally charged personal peices expressing her deepest darkest thoughts. Ever since she signed that record label, sea has ONLY been making those same summer themed pop songs.. someponies think she's sold out, others suspect something else is going on below the surface...

the internet, butterflies & butterfly imagery, fruit, jewelry, the ocean, aquairums and sea life, clear skies, memories, chewy fruit flavoured candy, fashion design, performing live, the city
people speculating on her personal life, snow & cold weather, being in a crowded area for too long (unless performing), being famous, music elitists, meat, eating with others, old people

Polite Sassy
Cautious Impulsive
Social Reserved
Intelligence Ignorant
Emotional Rational
Productive Lazy

Mango was born in Brismane and ever since sea was just a filly, sea had a interest in music of all kinds and would experiment with any and every instrument she could get her grubby hooves on. She had trouble making friends with the other ponies at her school, especially due to her quiet nature and unexpressive demanour, and struggling to understand social cues. Not to mention she also lacks a cutiemark, and never got one to this day, this didn't help with her already struggling to make friends, so sea isolated themself from other ponies and focused on making music. When sea was a teenager, she made hundreds of little songs all of wildly varying genres and subjects and posted them online, most of these recieved a couple hundred views and stayed in obscurity, however sea was able to make friends with a few other ponies online in seas time posting, and forged her closest friends on the internet. By the time she had grown into a mare, she had been feeling nostalgic for the 80s inspired synthpop summer/beach themed tunes that had peppered her childhood, and her own connection and love of the beach, and made some fun, catchy nostalgia-based pop songs and uploaded them online, little did sea know this would change her life.

These songs she made soon exploded on ClipClop, and then ranking in the top of the charts almost overnight. It seems sea wasn't alone in her nostalgia. This was the most success Mango had ever seen on one of her projects, and sea got swept up in the excitement of it all and so when one of the biggest labels in Equestria offered to sign her, she agreed without a second thought. However this choice would be one of the worst of her life. Quickly after being signed, Mango realised the record label had no interest in anything else she made , and only desired for her to keep making songs in line with the ones that originally got popular. Mango hated this, as she now spent most of her time producing what sea felt were the same song over and over again. No matter how much she tried, any slight deviation from the formula she had trapped herself in would be rejected. Mango also now had a full team of publicists, photographers, lawyers, and security, which sea really didn't like. Mango also hated being famous after the initial rush had faded, and hated people prying into her personal life, especially with her lack of a true cutiemark, critiquing everything about sea, and ponies rushing her in public to the point she hardly left her studio. Sea wants nothing more then to escape her controlling managers and her contract, so in order to escape, in the little freetime sea had, Mango started making music like she used to online under a psudeonym, SLEEPYORANGE.

Under SLEEPYORANGE, sea was able to make whatever kind of music she wanted like sea used to, however due to the oppresive nature of her new life, the music she makes under SLEEPYORANGE deals with this head on, and is the exact opposite of the music she is known for, SLEEPYORANGE delves straight into the darkness she deals with, her anger, and her regrets. The sound is typically much harsher, and is very out of line with the audience she's cultivated as a popstar. Sea has to do this in secret, as if her managers ever found out, sea's career would be over along with her reputation with the industry due to the power her label holds. So she hangs in the balance, and keeps up the repettive songs for her label, and is able to express seaself through SLEEPYORANGE. Despite how exhausting it is to mantain two seperate music projects, especially with the pressure of the former, sea feels this is the only way she can continue to live. Sea has ammased a much smaller, but still dedicated following under SLEEPYORANGE. However one pony knows sea's true identity, Indie Darling. Indie has worked as Mango's photographer since she was signed, and when SLEEPYORANGE popped up, quickly became a huge fan, unknowing they were the same until Indie went to see SLEEPYORANGE at a small local music festival, and realised they were the same. Indie keeps it to herself though, and admires Mango from afar. For now, Mango is able to keep up her double life, but it's only so long until somepony else figures it out and shares with the world.

Design Notes
  • no cutiemark!
  • heart sunglasses, earrings not opt
  • feel free to draw her with outfits or additonal jewlery! esp if butterfly themed
  • since becoming famous, she lies to the public about her cutiemark, saying her birth markings on her flank is just a very odd shaped cutiemark, some believe it, others don't. this is one of her biggest insecurities
  • despite living in brismane, she has serious arachnophobia.
  • her favourite artist in all of equestria is vylet lulamoon

Music Box
Am I living an illusion?
I wanna runaway, runaway, runaway...