


1 year, 10 days ago


Basic Info

Pronouns: He/Him
Height: 5'7"
Family: Libra (Adopted mom)

Despite being part of Nova's rogue/pirate crew, he rarely actually takes part in any heists, being the groups main medic. Some of the others believe it to be because he's much too soft for this life style, but he sticks around due to his adopted mother, Libra, who was the one that Nova had actually scouted initially. She's taken care of him for as far back as he can remember, even before they joined Nova, and Libra only agreed to join if they would bring him along as well.

Thankfully, Libra was also against Levoy joining any heists ever since they joined. While he was glad for this, some of the others did find it odd as he grew older and she continued to deny him joining heists. In fact, a lot of her actions and behavior when it came to him struck them as odd, most didn't care though as it wasn't their business. Nova however, did want answers.

In a private meeting, she would squeeze the truth from Libra; finding that she was hiding Levoy, not protecting him. That he wasn't adopted, but kidnapped by her, and she originally wanted money for his safe return but, admittingly became attached to him. She'd explain that the family took a long time to send a response, and their lack of urgency and care for him made her no longer want to return him to them.
Nova was understanding of this, they may be rogues, but they often found themselves to have better morals than some of the rich population did. However, her understanding ended here. She was baffled to hear that Libra had made the decision back then to alter Levoy's memories using her magic, making him not only forget his original family, but also fabricated an entire childhood as an orphan, even changing his memory of how he lost his hand (as she was the cause of the accident, it occurring during the kidnapping).

Libra would then beg Nova to stay quiet about the truth, explaining that Levoy is happy right now, but also that learning the truth could break his mind, causing him to lose grip of his reality and potentially go insane. Nova would agree, despite not wanting to lie to him.

Regardless of everything, it was very clear that Levoy was indeed happy with his current situation. Learning medicine and first aid from Libra, and later becoming their main medic after furthering his studies on his own, while Libra focused her studies more on poison and potion making.

Even though he is part of a rogue group, he detests violence and fighting (hence why he's the medic) to the point he will kick people out of his clinic or forcibly separate people if they begin to fight in front of him.