Aitho Qyuren



1 year, 10 days ago


Aitho Qyuren
8 (Upon First Meeting With Makkan), 16 (Upon 2nd Meeting with Makkan/Trial of Magma), 19 (Entry into the Second Patronic War), 22 (At the 2nd War's End), 71 (At Death)
They/Them, Ty/Tym

Aitho, Aitho the Embered, The Emberling, Godslayer
Ziano (Mother), Tyrophis (Father)
Guardian/Guide (Formerly), War Hero (Formerly), Council Leader
Makkan (formerly)
Deceased; Killed in a stand against Creatures


Aitho was born to Ziano and Tyrophis in 161 YAD (Years After Departure) in the state and nation of Syskalna. Aitho's beginnings were relatively humble, both parents having some political knowledge due to an old great aunt serving in one of the councils they'd never say which one) though their greatest skills came in trade and barter. They would teach their child about the importance of diplomacy and considering multiple angles young, something later that would set them on a path their family hadn't hoped or dreamed of. One day, during one of Aitho's chore runs to fetch distant well water, they would encounter the dehydrated form of a child who looked like he needed help. He didn't look like anyone from the nearby villages but through great effort (they were not strong and frankly, cursed how heavy this kid was) hauled them back to their home.Aitho's parents were surprised at the sight but helped aid the child, saving his life. Aitho was introduced to the boy when he awoke, learning he was called Makkan and wasn't from around here but was incredibly curious.

Makkan could never stay for too long; he'd get too sick, saying something about how allergic he was to the Syskalnan air but the children remained very close. Often, Aitho would go down to and wait by a spot near the river, a secret place they'd discovered together. From there, Makkan and Aitho would do chores doing, resting in the grass and making art of clouds and the light as both would share experiences of home and future plans as if they knew what that meant. Makkan would always come eagerly to this, the normally outspoken boy listening to whatever the shyer Aitho would have to say. Soon Aitho would discover their love of public speaking, offering for Makkan to accompany them in practices and watching them in competition. Makkan would always come though knowing they could not witness the award ceremonies due to their allergies. Aitho and their family would just invite Makkan over the next day to a reenactment style play of the ceremony.

The two continue to be good friends until Makkan's reactions to the air get worse and he almost dies. Aitho discovers him not far from the river after he didn't show up to their meetings and Aitho tries to convince Makkan to return to their home for treatment. Makkan is scared to burden them after everything and through their pain, they send Aitho away not wanting his friend to see him like this. He just wanted to say his goodbyes. Aitho rejects this, running home to alert and bring their parents but when they reach the river, Makkan is gone and all that remains is a flame designed hair ribbon. Aitho wears this as a bracelet and grieves the loss of their friend, hoping that somehow, they arrived. Aitho would spend a few years waiting for Makkan's return by the river but he would never show. Eventually, Aitho would have to turn their attentions elsewhere.

Trial of Magma

With years following Makkan's absence from Aitho's life, Aitho became an apprentice speechwriter to one of the politicians, Konaka, and would work with her to better their surroundings environmentally and humanitarianly. They were not always the most successful and being among the only open-minded, wanting to blend their traditions with practices that could rescue them from the growing visions Aitho began to have, Aitho would be forced to make a choice. They believed with their dreams, a threat was coming and Aitho believing few would listen, something they couldn't be certain of but their decision was made, Aitho left upon hearing about a trial. This trial was started for an aspectless god to divert some of their magic that could kill them and train up someone who could help use their powers and regulate it. Aitho saw this as a chance to protect those they cared about and also to feel good about themself after constant invalidation at the council talks.

Aitho entered the competition to prove themself, traveling early in the morning and ignoring more warnings about the journey, they only bring Konaka and their parents along. Aitho refuses to be stopped and at the final part of the trial, Aitho clears the ember river while many perish and they come face to face with the god offering their boon. The god known as the Emberer. Aithois granted their abilities but before they go and return to their realm, Aitho realizes they know the voice speaking to them. Eventually, they place it as that of Makkan, instinct making them reach out and snag the flaming cloak of the god. Aitho burns their hand and Makkan is embarrassed and surprised. Makkan also convinces to knowing Aitho showed up but hoped they wouldn't because they'd find out who he was. Makkan reveals that he protected Aitho on the journey and Aitho feels let down they only succeeded because Makkan favored them. Makkan tries explaining it was part of an apology for how things were left when they were kids. But also that Makkan can't go back and must go. Aitho overran and overwhelmed by emotions begs Makkan to stay this one time for a moment. Makkan hesitates but gives in, the two spending the day and Aitho reluctantly considers leaving after what Makkan confessed. But their people still need to be safe from the danger and perhaps more and Makkan is their only major friend around their age. Makkan and Aitho work together as god and regulator, Aitho visiting Makkan in his realm after they discover how. Aitho begins studying the realms alongside Makkan.

The Second Patronic War

Aitho ends up working with Makkan to rescue their city from the threats foreshadowed to them and they find peace for a bit before Makkan pulls Aitho aside, telling them about the conflicts being had back at home. Kyrena, Makkan's mother and leader of the hero gods, is weary of Makkan's relationship with a mortal like Aitho, fearing heartbreak for Makkan when Aitho dies early or worrying Makkan will get himself killed staying a long time in the mortal realm. She orders Makkan to stop seeing or taking an interest in Aitho. Makkan confesses he doesn't want to do it and will look into being more secretive but his sister's growing distrust of his mother also has him concerned. Solin is more reckless than he and he's worried should she try anything, she won't care about who is involved. Aitho promises they can handle it.

They can't handle it. Solin's tensions boil as Kyrena refuses her challenge of the gods and looking for support, Solin turns to Makkan, demanding that he must know Kyrena is wrong and that Solin wanting credit for her contributions is hardly outlandish. Makkan, who has been helping both of his family members, wanting something like Aitho's family and to keep his family together, refuses to help her in the challenge. Solin deems him a traitor and says he'll get what comes of him. To punish him, Solin brings her forces to burn down the human village Aitho resides in. Aitho panics, awakening to flame and ash and many dying. Aitho tries to save them, being a bit too extra in their efforts but they take too much time and nearly faint. Makkan is the last they see, the god scooping them and the ones they rescued to safety out of the village. Most of the village is alright because of Makkan's efforts but they have no food and their village has been destroyed. Aitho is blamed for their connection to Makkan and to save what Aitho has worked for, Makkan declares that they showed up to voice their goodbyes. There is no Makkan and Aitho. Aitho talks the group down but confronts Makkan about this and asks if it's true. Makkan realizes the severity and says yes. Aitho is angry, saying Makkan has the luxury of leaving, playing god and mortal when they want but Aitho doesn't have the option. They break up but not before Makkan apologizes and they spend a final night together. Makkan promises that even though they are not together, Makkan won't desert their travels and to call if needed. Aitho promises to think about it.

Aitho receives reports that their village wasn't the only one to be destroyed and they journey to the hubs of the other villages to discuss plans. Senior and capital leader, Indune, is chosen to lead and Aitho rises from speechwriter to second in command as reward for their initiative. Aitho feels lonely at the celebration but also revels in the honor. When on their journey to a place away from the confines of gods, Aitho uses their knowledge of realms to mark escapes but they are attacked along the way, marked as allies of Kyrena and Makkan. Indune falls to them and Aitho is made leader. They stand vigil during their celebration, mourning another mentor and former leader. Aitho says they can't run from this fight and decides to train the group for retaliation. They won't watch more die. Yuntuk, a young joinup around Aitho's age and close friend, becomes their second in command and helps train new recruits. Aitho stays on the defensive for now but assures they will go to offensive if needed...they hope.

Due to a battle on the defensive that Aitho led that ended in many losses, it is pointed out unlike Indune who was made leader before the gods, Aitho was not and is illegitimate. Aitho takes the challenge and leaves to the ocean with the group despite the safety concerns, determined to prove their worth and how much this means to them, and maybe distract themself from Makkan and the losses too. Aitho dives to the bottom of the ocean with only a waning drowning ward to retrieve a trinket of proof but nearly dies in the process. Aitho feels they will drown and can feel water pouring into their lungs. Out of desperation, Aitho reaches for the amulet Makkan gifted them when they became his regulator. One thing that can summon the god. As Aitho's strength wanes, Makkan appears, dragging Aitho to safety despite the pain of being a magma god in water. Makkan weakly protects Aitho on the shore, staying with them until Ziano, Aitho's mother, spots them on the far bank and Yuntuk and the others arrive. The one who challenged Aitho says it doesn't count as they needed to be saved but Yuntuk argues that's not true as the goal is to get the trinket which they did. Reluctantly, the challenger agrees and Makkan stays until his breathing worses and Aitho recovers. Aitho thanks him and he replies with any time and that he's missed them. Aitho confesses the same but they both said what they meant before. Makkan sadly responds with "perhaps" something they clearly are unsure about but he respects Aitho's choice. A choice Aitho ponders awake that night. They thank Makkan again in their head for getting the chance to lead and help people as they had. They wish the same for Makkan.

Solin's propaganda now reaches Aitho with slander about him and Makkan, more people in Aitho's group wondering if such an affair will get them killed and has gotten them killed since without Makkan, they wouldn't have been attacked. Aitho knows that's true but doesn't think it fair to Makkan who has been trying or to themself either. The relationship ended anyway. What's it matter? Makkan is now starting to be further scorned for this and for breaking the leadership tradition. Aitho has little choice for morale but to burn more bridges with Makkan and focus on their people. Yuntuk offers support and friendship, Aitho considering him invaluable. The group finds what appears to be a base eventually and they take it over, Aitho coming to learn his parents have fallen strangely ill from their activities in destroying the portals that lay in the way of the camp. Aitho has the sick rest and speaks with the healers, praying to the gods for their recovery. They don't and some start to die. Aitho wants to find the cure, Yuntuk accompanying them as they pick every natural plant but come up with nothing. The healers tell them to prepare for the worst but they won't have it. They awaken though to find out that a cure was mysteriously dropped off by an odd stranger the group detained. Aitho was asked by them to speak privately and when they do, Aitho learns that Makkan was behind the whole thing. Aitho asks if Makkan expects to just keep turning up here and Makkan admits they never planned on it until they found out about Aitho's parents. The people who showed him kindness, love, affection without cost and stability. He couldn't do nothing for people who had done much for him and for those around him. He confesses he went into the heart of the NeverRealms, a dangerous place where gods go to die, their realms collapsing in on them to get a rare herb. He almost died in the process but it was worth it to see the hope in their eyes and the reunion between Aitho and their parents. Aitho realizes now how much they owe Makkan as he goes and they are left in a familiar embrace that is slow to end though eventually it does. Mentally, Aitho promises to return the favor as their parents approach, resting a hand on Aitho's shoulder, quietly knowing who had saved them.

The ending of the war eventually drew near and Aitho learns of Solin's final attacking point. Aitho sends their parents there to help lead the charge while they and Yuntuk would instead utilize their realm research and go for the force that would greatly weaken the gods. Makkan had told stories to Aitho of the Hero Gods being bound to the pools of magic that they could never let run dry or overrun or they would die. Destroying the shrines meant to regulate the pools would mean death. It was how Aitho would destroy the second in command Solin had taken in the older god, Tuatiln. Aitho led the assault after hearing about Tuatiln's attack and ambush on Makkan's shrines. Few knew at first this wasn't just to end a war but to repay the man who had done much for Aitho and their people. Aitho attacked when the sun blazed almost poetically, the old god taking many with them but eventually falling as throughout the land, Aitho's people slaughtered all their shrines. Solin would learn first of this, fear taking her as she learned even the gods could be killed by mortals. Aitho had cracked a case she had not and it tore at her insecurities of not knowing herself. She needed to end Aitho before Aitho ended her. Her brother needed to be there for it too and naturally, she invited him to the death of the Godslayer.

When questioned why Aitho waited for Solin to move the final chess piece, Aitho didn't give much of an answer. Perhaps it was because Aitho had figured themself multiple places ahead of her. Perhaps it was because he simply preferred it. Either way, Solin placed her piece by challenging Kyrena one final time, this time her mother not even seeing her out of embarrassment. Solin blames Makkan and attacks him, the two sparring and crashing through the realms. Aitho finds an injured Makkan who fell into a breathing fit after the fight with his sister and was majorly injured. If not for Aitho, it was likely he would have died that night. Aitho, not wanting to endanger more people, takes his task force to hit Solin fast and hard. At dusk, after kissing Makkan's forehead goodbye and wishing him a good recovery, the god too groggy to realize Aitho's plan, Aitho took to the battlefield. When midnight struck. Aitho reached the shrine site and they moved to strike it and its guardian. Drawn in by the sudden loss of power, Solin was summoned to the location. Aitho anticipated a hard but victorious fight but they were overconfident and didn't spend much time thinking about this part of the plan. They were overran by Solin and her reinforcements, killing most of who remained and Aitho themself went down to her after Solin's speech of how agonizing Makkan would find it surviving only to discover Aitho left them to die a martyr and play hero. Aitho gets a last jab in, stating they wouldn't die without her dying too but they pass out from blood loss. They hear Yuntuk's worried cry from where he engages a minion of Solin's but little else. They only find their dreams.


It took days for Aitho to reawaken and discover their true fate from Yuntuk. According to the part-dragon, Aitho had gone unconscious, resting inches from death and appearing that way as Makkan arrived injured and late. For a god restrictive in their powers, Makkan unleashed their anguish and rage, wailing as the volcanoes awoken and mourned with him, the lava swallowing the armies of both sides. Both were devastated and though this allowed Solin to be detained by the other gods, Makkan's own crime was done-he was renounced, only spared from execution because he fought on the side of Kyrena. Kyrena, not wanting further threats, sentenced the others, including the young child god, Tyreti who aided Solin, to be executed. Makkan argued against it, stating there had been enough death and Delion and Tyreti were spared following Makkan's words and Solin's that they weren't involved. Solin was sentenced to death via her own magic overwhelming her in centuries to come. She would die in agony.

Though Aitho lived, they let Makkan believe they had died in the conflict, not wanting to sullie either of their names further though upon letting the public believe they had died too, Aitho would take up post as the new leader-Yuntuk's-advisor and council leader under a different name. There were reports that even as the years progressed, Aitho would wait in their office for a certain god to show on his own. They would preserve a vision they'd partly fixed up on their own of leading and serving the people alongside them, the two straightening out collars of their garments and talking over notes. They had little way of knowing how unlikely that was now or how Makkan had built their final shrine with Aitho has his heart while also burying each of those their eruption had killed. Or that in honor of their travels, Makkan had named himself the god of travelers, watching over them in the mortal realm as long as his body would allow.

Aitho's death came at 71 when threats of a certain creature came knocking. Aitho hadn't abandoned their warrior ways nor would they let their people suffer. They led the charge that drove the beasts back, defending their home and not losing it that time. They would die surrounded by friends and kin, clinging to memories of potential and of love. Love that maybe the next life could bring them. And if not, they supposed they'd lived a pretty good one.