John Benjamin Dover



1 year, 22 days ago


The result of a love affair between a nobleman and a maid, Benjamin spent his formative years in the lowlands of England with his mother despite her not having both feet on the ground.

From a young age he struggled socially due to being neurodivergant and spent most of his time hands deep in dirt looking for bugs and snakes which he would cataloged and keep as pets. His father later married another woman and as such stopped financially supporting the pair, forcing them to move to the big city and a council astate.

During his time there the pair discovered his father had married another woman and didn't take it well with him believing his mother believing he'd come round and him deeply shaken. During a chance encounter at a food court 

When he reached 16 he dropped out of school not seeing a point and slowly adapted to a life on the streets where he gained a dependence on various illicit substances which would be the backdrop for what happened next.

During a honeypot trap he raided what he thought was an empty home only for it to have been a rouse to capture desperate people who wouldn't be missed. He found himself at a PMC called Waywards Row which was on the surface a simple commission type deal where high paying companies/governments would pay for cyborgs of various attributes but also functioned as a doomsday cult set on turning their fiefdom into a authoritarian surveillance state with classes of the population functioning as slaves for the cause of the almighty Skipper.

During his 2 year stay he met his lifelong soul mate Blanche Hare who he built a strong bond with along side his fellow John Doe Mike. 

Like Michael he was made into a spydroid able to fully replicate a target but at the cost of his entire body minus his brain being taken and later turned into hotdog meat for the company's agricultural department.

He was eventually sold to the Russians where he served as an unwilling spy for 5 years becoming more and more disillusioned. The weeks long missions, the being treated like a literal object and the betrayal of Blanche not coming with him was too much to bare so when he was deployed for a mission in Southern England he saw at least one score he could settle.

After all that time he'd built a repor with his captors allowing him to give them the slip leaving a trail of devastation in his wake until he found himself at what he thought should have been a familiar place, his father's home.

Using his shape-shifting abilities he took the place of his younger half brother strangling him in his sleep to see what it was like to be loved by his father but he realised his father was just as cold towards him now as he was before. Even when he stopped trying to act like his brother no one noticed and just like him he was completely alone. He stayed in this predicament for several months unsure what to do with himself until the company that owned him eventually tracked him down leading to the home being burnt down and him being decommissioned for being too dangerous. In the aftermath other John Doe's were quietly taken out of action in fear that they could go rouge. 

He was eventually partially lobotomised as no one was sure what to do with him until he was sold off to a police department with too much budget where a chance encounter led him back to an old friend. 

Now an unwilling cop in Denver he pulled over a fellow cyborg who was speeding only to realise it was his old roommate Bea now under the codename Foehn and the two reconciled and moved back in together picking up where they left off lasting a couple of years.

After the events of MGR and the subsequent death of Foehn he became somewhat of a drifter stealing peoples identities in couch surfing gone wrong falling into a deep depression lasting several years. That is until war was declared on cybernetic people after the day of metal men where he stayed clear of the fighting that was until the nuke went off.

He raised Foehn's youngest child named Felix traversing the vast badlands of the nuclear winter, keeping him safe from rouge cyborgs and meeting up with his old drill instructor Vivian.

He established a small fiefdom on the edge of a river in the middle of the desert after him, Felix and Vivian helped stop the Skipper (the final step in Waywards plan) settling down and creating a small community to which he became chief.

He died of a simple malfunction of his cybernetics at age 93, a happy step grandfather knowing he outlived the Vivian.


During his stint as a police officer for the Denver police department his main weapons were an assortment of semi automatic assault rifles which he'd use to give himself an edge over more imposing cyborgs. His main m.o in a fight would be to avoid snd avade due to his superior stamina and hope his brain or eyes weren't damaged.


In terms of personality he's a simple man of simple pleasures who values the company of friends over a nice bombfire he made from someone's home. Despite his dim witted nature and lack of tack he's surprisingly good under pressure and while lacking sense makes up for it in emotional intelligence and gall. Rather clingy do once he sets his eyes on you, well I hope you don't mind vacent eyes and chloroform. 

Might not of mentioned it but a favorite hobby of his is stalking someone, abducting them, then living their life for them until one of their loved ones notices. (His personal record is 4 weeks and his professional when he was a Russian spy is 6 weeks.)