


10 months, 27 days ago


Morrigan is a cheerful carpenter who enjoys creating all manner of structures. In fact, she made the very shack that she resides in, just southwest of Ghastfen Grove in a cosy little corner of DMM's swamplands. Many small animals tend to congregate around her shack which Morrigan doesn't mind; she enjoys the companionship of those that can stomach her gruesome appearance. She's fairly happy with her current life - or rather, afterlife.

Morrigan was once a normal crocodile, liberated from the ghastly steel adornments that protrude from her reptilian hide and the blood that stains her flesh. A long time ago, when she was passionate but inexperienced in her trade, she suffered a particularly disastrous accident during a job and died due to her recklessness. Luckily, this wasn't the end of the yound croc, as she happened to be working for a necromancer in DMM at the time, who saw the potential in her and allowed her to continue her career. The crocodile was unsettled at the sight of her bloody and perforated body, but her resurrector reassured her. "Stay in Dragonsmaw Manor. There are plenty of undead here who live normal lives and get on just fine!" Truly, it was a land of opportunity for her following her 'death', and after many years of hard work she became the experienced and skillful (if still somewhat heavy-handed) carpenter she is today.