


6 years, 1 month ago



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Motti is a very sweet and gentle person with a passion for baking and reading. On the outside, she seems like a perfectly normal villager who would simply tell you about her day. Despite being quite shy around newcomers, she seems oddly keen to befriend any wolf or dog villagers that join the island. She never hides the fact that her eye is missing, instead she will very happily tell the story of how her friend ate it once in a fit of rage. Motti has a tendency to get lost in the woods and come back with a few scratches or bite marks, likely from the wildlife, which she always looks at lovingly and bandages with care.


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32px-RabbitSpeciesIconSilhouette.png Motti
Species Personality Gender
Rabbit Normal Female
Birthday December 19th Aries
Pronouns She/Her
Greeting "Have you seen my bandages?"
Catchphrase "Droplet."
Hobby Reading
Clothing Comfy and Cute
Color: Red
Style: Cute
Song: Choke
Missing eye
Loves baking
Masochistic, obsessed with cannibalism