


6 years, 7 days ago


Silverfall | Tom (He/Him) | 28 moons | Branchclan Warrior | Bi

A fluffy yet scrawny silver-grey tom with piercing amber eyes and tall legs. 

Silverfall is usually described as nervous and paranoid at times but alert and more aware of the current state and flow of the clan. He can be extremely snobby and even outright annoying to some cats at times, usually thinking of himself as higher or above the other cats as far as skills go. However, while his ego can be overpowering in how others perceive him he still does care about the good of his clan, sometimes hunting or working harder to serve his clan as best as he can. He tends to brag a lot about his accomplishments and complains when he sees other cats falling behind in skills that he claims are "easy".

The skills Silverfall is best at usually has to do with agility and hunting but when it comes to fighting or combat he lacks greatly, often getting more injured than others after a fight. He's very perceptive as well, which can be his biggest strength or his greatest downfall, he's able to spot suspicious activity in his environment quickly but this often leads him to draw inaccurate conclusions. Friendship is not something Silverfall is good at in any way, if a cat wants to grow a relationship with him they'd have to be ready for the worst, but once a cat is able to get past his snappy attitude and snobbish exterior they'll find that he's more loyal towards the people he considers friends than anything else, though he wont admit it 

Parents: Graysting (m) (deceased), Crowstalk (f) (deceased)  
Mentor: (???)
Siblings: Rockjaw - Half brother
Apprentices: N/A
Mates: N/A