
1 year, 10 days ago



9 (Upon meeting Aitho), 17 (Upon Trial of Magma), 20 (Second Patronic War), 30's-40's (Equivalent in Current Time)

Makkan, The Emberer, God of Magma, God of Wanderers, God of the Damned, God of the Little Sun, God of Change
Kyrena (Mother), Unnamed Mortal Father, Solin (Sister)
Aitho (Formerly)
God of Magma and Travelers, God of the Suns, God of the Little Sun (Formerly), God of Change
Alive (1 Shrine Destroyed)

Makkan was a unique birth among the Hero Gods as he was one who would be born a child and half mortal, his father being a former member of Kyrena's inner circle in terms of humanoids.Makkan's father acknowledged such a child couldn't survive long in his realm and gave full custody of the child, only wishing to see the child once some point in his life. Kyrena, who wished Makkan's creation would grant her more influence would agree, the child being born the year before Aitho. Due to Makkan's mortal father, he would age more like that of a human, only surviving much longer and having the durability of a deity over a mortal. Kyrena knew little of raising a child having been created as an adult and her first child born a teenager so she became stricter, not exactly knowing what to do in this situation. Makkan disapproved of the metaphorical leash and tried learning the forbidden studies from the Realm of Knowledge that would allow him to travel to other realms. As gods of old used to battle on the mortal realm for the aid of their believers, he selected it for its intrigue, ties to himself as a demigod and for easiness.

He couldn't make long journeys to the mortal realm, it exhausting him as he found it hard to breathe here, his body more accustom to the realm of the hero gods instead. But in his time, he would try and learn more about the people like him in the village he'd discover, trying to copy them and earn their approval when he could while also looking for his father. He of course needed approval before he could ask them about his missing dad. A man he didn't even know the appearance of. Most eyed him strangely but thought little else. Eventually, he'd stay a bit too long, nearly passing out on the far, unfamiliar part of town. Luckily, young Aitho would find him and bring him home, nursing him back to health. He was grateful, becoming friends with Aitho and supporting them the best he could. Aitho promised to help him find his father too, whomever he may be as well, the two making posters with worn drawing supplies. Maybe it was because they weren't artists or the man wasn't there, but their project never got them a lead. Only patience could as one day Makkan would return, Aitho carrying a wide grin and announcing they found out where Makkan's father could be. Makkan never got an answer when he asked how Aitho could be so sure. He learned it was better just to trust the elf more often than not.

Against Aitho's mother's wishes, the two slipped away that night, Aitho unable to sleep and Makkan wasn't much better. Avoiding the village guard and the city guard in the town over, they managed to steer their "borrowed" wagon in the direction of where Aitho's information hinted. Having no coin to their name and only a thirst for adventure, they elected to stay in their wagon, sleeping beneatha pile of straw together, both pretending they were nestled in some unexplored cave they took turns explaining the details of. Come dawn, they would awaken, discovered by the man they were searching for. He was surprised to learn Makkan, a kid in the hay with another stole away was his but he didn't deny it, knowing it to be the case. He hadn't expected to meet the kid so soon, inviting the child to come for breakfast as it was the least he could do. Makkan meets his half siblings and step mother there, all cautious around him and curious about him. He is weary to answer questions and Aitho comes to his defense through their diplomacy skills. While normally shyer, this sense of justice stirs something in Makkan, something he finds himself admiring deeply. Makkan left that day seeking to visit his father more if his lungs ever grew better, Aitho agreeing with this and wanting to hear about it at their meeting spots.

Aitho and Makkan would meet up several times, the locals recognizing them as a pair, asking the other where their shadow was if the other was ever missing. But that could only last so long as Makkan realized his lungs were getting weaker. He could only make it halfway to the meeting spot, Aitho having to go looking for him. Aitho insisted he get help from their mother but Makkan didn't want to worry more people, choosing to obey his mother and go to the realm of the gods. Kyrena forbade him from returning, urging him to focus on his god training and he had no choice but to agree.

Trial of Magma

Makkan eventually gathered enough skills to make his own realm of magma and lava, taking his role of the second sun but not without difficulty. He was still a demigod and thusly, had not been able to completely master his pools or control them. With too much or too little magic, he would die and needed someone who could regulate the magic. Upon his mother's suggestion, he arranged a trial system, posting it to gods and mortals alike. He noticed and recognized Aitho among those competing upon opening ceremonies and childhood admiration won out, Makkan favoring Aitho and protecting him from harm in the form of another competitor. Makkan disliked the deception but cared more about Aitho being safe even if it was from afar. Makkan panicked though when his plan worked and Aitho won, words the god wanted to say lost as he now had no clue. He tried to be formal, granting Aitho part of his powers before chickening out and trying to leave. Aitho refuses to let him and outbursts of feelings and the past come out. Makkan and Aitho agree to work together on discovering more about the realm as god and regulator and maybe something more.

The Second Patronic War

Makkan, now stuck in the middle of a family argument stemming from events he was too young to be apart of, is left to figure out who to side with. His sister, Solin, still holds a grudge against her mother, Kyrena, who granted her and her soldiers in the first war no credit. She aims to challenge Kyrena over this and to achieve purpose, requesting her brother stand with her when tensions get to be too much. Makkan, who is scared of his family falling apart and being alone as he can't stay in the mortal realm for long and he wants the closeness Aitho and their mother have, he tries helping both sides. Eventually Solin finds out, demanding he choose and says that she's disappointed in him. Makkan struggles to choose but eventually due to his cowardice, chooses to side with his mother, an act Solin sees as nothing short of a betrayal. She threatens to make him pay each day for it and to show she means it and out of her wanting to prove herself, attacks the mortal population knowing Makkan's affections and ties to them. He's hurt and furious, eventually getting goaded into attacking her before his mother's throne.

Makkan, having chosen his path, would continue to serve beneath his mother and would venture into the mortal realm, assisting in mortal evacuations and helping Aitho. The two split as things got worse and their paths would take them elsewhere. But Makkan never forgot his Aitho, often coming by to lend support or just speaking with them to ease the stress of war. Makkan often lived in denial, knowing this would only make a possible complete split harder but they didn't want to stop. They couldn't. When he found out through Aitho that their mother was sick and badly injured, he resolved to listen to legend, venturing into the NeverRealms, a place with dying gods and decaying magical energy to search for a cure all plant. As a demigod, he was nearly ripped apart but brought back a plant, leaving the flower as the last reminder of him. If he left now, now as he knew his sister planned to increase her efforts, maybe he could save the mortals, Aitho, and his father who enlisted.

Perhaps fortune favored the anguished as such a fate would not grace Makkan. With efforts increased and Solin's ultimatum, Makkan would be thrust into it all. Especially after his joint attack on Solin's then second in command, Tuatiln, a feat showing even a mortal and demigod could kill a god. Solin, disgraced further by her mother's refusal to challenge her daughter, not completely because they were kin but because she could lose and would have to admit she was wrong, called for her final stages of her attack. Makkan attacks her, both crashing through the realms into the mortal one and sparring until Makkan nearly dies. He limps after and tries to find Aitho, too weak to draw back a portal to the realms. Before passing out, he is discovered by a patrol of Aitho's, his last view then of the worried, loving look the person gives him.

Makkan takes a long time to recover, talking with Aitho and doing small tasks with them to provide for their soldiers and people. Aitho remarks that they've been named a contender for ruler of Kyrendek and Makkan is proud but worried as in addition to being a former lover of his, the crown will also put Aitho in danger. He supports it regardless and they nearly kiss only to stop themselves. During this time, Makkan also works on having more of a relationship with his father, learning family battle moves and strategies from him as he recovers. Things look to be alright until one day he awakens to find Aitho missing. He fears the worst, expecting a kidnapping or something but eventually finds out Aitho went to confront Solin on behalf of him and the people of Kyrendek, an event that would ensure their claim to leadership. Makkan panics, and despite being injured, moves to track Aitho down. He manages to do so but arrives late, finding Aitho slain by Solin who claims she was just trying to protect her shrine. She'd die horribly if Aitho succeeded, telling Makkan when shrines are destroyed, the god feels nothing but prolonged agony as their soul and life is crushed from them gradually then and through the NeverRealm. The death is twice and thusly twice as painful. That is the fate he damned Tuatiln too. They other gods will come for him and see it as cruel and treason. They fear what he and a mortal could do, now having to take them seriously. Makkan is furious she'd try convincing him to turn against the first person to know and value him, to show him a hint of a better family. How she took away hope for the mortals and damned them, pawned them and Makkan attacked her shrine, moving to finish the job. Solin attacks him back and they fight, Makkan finally manages to finish what Aitho almost did and stunning Solin. He continues to feel enraged as he looks from her to Solin and his grief becomes the anguish of the volcanoes. They erupt and kill almost everyone in the era, effectively ending the battle with most dead and Kyrena arriving to take Solin and her living supporters into custody. Makkan says he'll join them soon enough, the demigod staying beside what he believed to be the corpse of Aitho for as long as his godblood would allow. Kyrena came to collect him, offering faint sympathies as two days later, he nearly passed out. Makkan gives his remaining loyalty in numbness to her, wishing he could have the family wanted but with Aitho and his father killed by his volcanoes, he accepts all he'll have is his mother. He must keep that bond or face eternal loneliness.


During the trial of Solin, Delion, and Tyreti, the main survivors of the resistance, Kyrena and Lycah wish to condemn their own children to death via their own magic overwhelming them, arguing they can't be allowed to live and rebel again. Solin argues young Tyreti had no involvement and neither did Delion. Delion and Tyreti are both shocked by this and Delion tries protesting but Makkan also confirms this. He's seen enough death for the time being and doesn't wish to see more. With his support added to some soldiers, Delion and Tyreti are spared though their realms are relocated to be further away and must suffer the removal of a shrine of theirs to weaken any chance of rebellion. They argue and Solin herself is sentenced to death, presumably so she could rise up again and so Kyrena could hide her mistake.

Makkan, so Solin's followers she lent magic to aren't without it or the jobs it granted them, agrees to take on a realm's worth of Solin's magic in addition to his own. He also takes on a new role of godhood, arriving at the Council of the Divine and asking to be made the patron of wanderers. They agree though eye him with suspicion after his actions. Makkan accepts this, returning to a more isolated life, his duty now becoming one of preparing funerals for all the unclaimed at his volcanoes and building his final shrine, something no god had done prior. Named "Makkan's Heart", the shrine statue was not of himself but of Aitho, the mortal he loved buried in a prepared tomb just beyond it. He also etched the names of each fallen he could, reminding himself the risk and cost of his powers. He would stay watching over the fallen and travelers, protecting their graves and those who lived from danger until his body could no longer take the effects of the mortal realm. He would however, return as soon as he recovered.

Makkan also found himself facing backlash and mud to his name long before Solin conspired to put it there. Ask Solin and she'd tell you that stain had already been there since the Embering massacre. She only lit the match. But regardless, Makkan was blamed for each death perhaps rightfully. What might not have been was the reaction of leaders and nobles, their allies, children, or loved ones dying in the Embering spurring their ideas to criminalize Makkan followers, some even choosing to execute them out of fear. Makkan, upon hearing of this, would venture down to the gatherings, aiming to free and aid his followers. But he would pause at the sight of one of the executions before it happened. If he acted, he would confirm in the minds of those who hated him that he was a threat to them and their order. More of his followers would be killed. If he didn't act, it's on his conscience and he proves he would sacrifice his followers. Or that these execution methods or and more would happen. Horrified by this reality and regressing into his cowardice again, he flees, ignoring the sounds of the execution.

Centuries later, he is lured by an agent of his dying sister under the guise Aitho has been found as a spirit and wants to speak with him. Makkan had been pushing away and internally fighting the idea of Aitho being a spirit but now his heart aches to speak to them. Not even to get back together but just to apologize for what happened. This ends up being a trap though and Delion captures the god along with his mother, holding them prisoner before Berril and Krrow arrive to rescue them. He sees himself in both of them and sees them working on confidence, something he agrees it might be time to try to do it again.

Makkan is present for and responsible for the fall of Moonbright, attacking it upon Adeline's goading wishing to kill the god. He came there finally finding Aitho again but realizing they were captured and falling into a relapse of their grief, bringing them to attack Adeline and the already crumbling town. The town ended up destroyed but Aitho reduced to needing to reside in a body. Makkan could not remain in the mortal realm for long and got rebuked by his mother, something Berril oversaw.

He appeared again at the execution of one of his followers, Lilac, where like he had before, watched and offered her a feeling of not being alone, but unable to do more.