Dr. Indra Melville



1 year, 9 days ago


【 Full NameIndra Marcia Melville【Nicknames】 Mar, Doc
【Age】 32 at time of death【Pronouns】any but it cant be the same as whatever you used the day prior (real)
【Height】 5'1"【Orientation】Sapphic
【D.o.B】February 20, 2056【Nationality】 Guyanese-American
【Occupation】 Programmer
【Role】NPC (Deceased)

if you feel like shit about this toyhouse page i feel like shit about this toyhouse page. :thumbup:

【 Personality 】
Indra Melville is unabashedly ❤️self: someone who happens to be a little plain and airheaded and silly, imperfect and human on ❤️ good days and bad days, but ultimately 'no one special,' as ❤️ insists stubbornly- and with an unshakable hope behind it. Indra is an extrovert and an optimist through and through, a programmer who loves the world for everything that it is in its good parts and everything that it could and should be in its bad. ❤️ insists that a person who does their best every day is nothing extraordinary; that the world is full of them in all different forms, and ❤️'ll keep being one of them, until the very end. ❤️ expects good from anyone ❤️ loves, and because of that, Indra takes pride in everyone ❤️ loves, too. ❤️'s rooting for you, too! Whatever it is, ❤️ knows you can.

【 Good traits 】
Hopeful, adventurous, altruistic, supportive

【 Bad traits 】
Spacey, impulsive, gullible, immature