Riku (Detailed)



11 months, 2 days ago


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The Storm Demigod

Riku is an infamous demigod, a dragoness that most everyone knows, and most likely fears. Her reputation is legendary; having threatened and saved many multiple times. She is often known as a wildcard — a “pick your punishment and hope she’ll be merciful.”



"Get out of my way."

Riku has a slim build, standing tall for her height, no doubt an inherited trait from her SkyWing side. She is well-muscled, an indicator of the continous training she does. Riku has large SkyWing wings and spines trailing down her back, but for the most part, her body resembles that of a SeaWing's. Webbed talons, sails, Aquatic markings, and gills all are present on Riku's body, and her spines have odd droplet-shaped bioluminescence markings protruding off the ends.

Her main scales are a dark navy-purple colour and her underside scales are a periwinkle colour. Due to her dark colouration, most mistake her for being a SeaWing and NightWing hybrid, but this is false. Riku's eyes are a sharp, ice blue colour.

Riku's only form of accessory is the conductive pendant made by her mother to help her control her powers and a leather strap for her sword. The pendant is made of a conductive material in hopes to absorb the output of power she has, for with out it, the power can make her act irrational and increasingly violent.

Loud • Loner • Chaotic

Riku’s outward hostility is no lie, but it is her most defining trait, one that overshadows many other layers of herself, the layers she wishes didn’t exist.

She is typically quiet and intimidating before being provoked, but Ri can get quite loud when her feathers are ruffled. She is persistent and can hold grudges for a long time, which is bad for her emotional health, but she doesn’t care. Riku has a paranoid delusion that everyone secretly hates her, so she’s given up on trying to be nice at this point.

Riku has the emotional maturity of a child, even though she pretends to be much more composed than she really is. Ri’s emotions are strong, and her mind is a beast. There are a thousand voices in her head, and after the incident, they were screaming. She heard it all.

Her brain is wired differently than others. She feels no remorse for killing those that have died to her claws. They just didn't matter to her ever, even after she killed them. What scares her most is that she would do it again. Riku pretends to not care, even though she is paranoid about her friendships being a lie, and she treasures each and every one of her friends. Riku is scared that her own thoughts — her own twisted and chaotic mind — will snatch them from her with talons that look like hers.

However, she pretends to be strong, but only for her own fragile self-esteem. She was scarred deeply by the death of her mother, and she doesn’t know how she will deal with losing anyone else close to her. Ri doesn’t want anymore attachments than she already has that would just further her weakness.

She never cries in front of anyone, not ever. The only emotion she will show to others is rage, disgust, glimpses of happiness, or bloodlust. She doesn’t want to be weak, and because of this, she feels trapped in her own mind with her twisted, twisted thoughts. The call of destruction is always there, and it will always be.

No one shows her love. Her friends are always fighting each other, dealing with their problems, having their own love life, or they don’t care and are never serious about her problems.

She’s forgotten what peace and love felt like, so there’s no way she could ever give it back to the people that have unknowingly trapped her.

Riku is a caged monster.


  • Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.


  • Maecenas faucibus aliquet ex. Sed condimentum lectus non magna lacinia gravida nec ut nibh. Etiam sit amet velit at urna suscipit luctus. Nulla convallis massa vitae malesuada tincidunt. Integer odio turpis, finibus id congue vel, convallis eu dui. Nulla vulputate sodales diam quis tincidunt.
  • Morbi iaculis ullamcorper arcu, nec tempus lectus lacinia vel. Nunc fermentum sapien in lacinia tristique. Integer nec libero lectus.
  • Maecenas a ante fermentum nisi pharetra scelerisque. Aenean laoreet rhoncus erat, id scelerisque mauris feugiat pulvinar. Vestibulum ultrices nec lectus ac fermentum. Nunc egestas, lacus in dapibus laoreet, ligula mauris aliquam nisi, quis iaculis ipsum neque id felis.
  • Sed in semper lacus, sed ultricies sapien. Nullam maximus sit amet dui sit amet maximus. Praesent at convallis quam. In at ornare nisi, eget rutrum nisi. Duis lacinia in ante eget hendrerit. Mauris iaculis, nibh vitae porttitor ultrices, urna libero consequat est, ut sagittis metus quam ut tellus. Suspendisse est ex, rhoncus nec tempor at, tincidunt a dui. Maecenas tempor elit sit amet arcu semper, a cursus magna elementum. Morbi sodales ut lectus non vestibulum. Nam laoreet risus aliquet, varius justo eu, porttitor arcu. Nulla porttitor libero purus, vitae mollis felis feugiat vel. Duis vel tortor tristique, volutpat nisl nec, iaculis leo. Nam sit amet nisi et metus tempor lobortis. In at iaculis nisi. Mauris felis lorem, laoreet et euismod et, hendrerit id purus.
  • Her pendant is not optional UNLESS you intend to draw her going berserk and wild!!
  • Duis scelerisque risus vel mollis laoreet. Curabitur semper justo id cursus congue. Nunc a quam congue, gravida arcu ut, posuere velit.
  • Interdum et malesuada fames ac ante ipsum primis in faucibus. Aliquam euismod, lectus non placerat gravida, orci tellus facilisis sapien, aliquam mattis ligula turpis tincidunt lorem.
  • Cras pellentesque enim sed est rhoncus commodo. Nullam dignissim turpis quis nulla dapibus, et pulvinar diam euismod. Nunc tortor nisi, mattis quis nisi nec, ultricies rhoncus eros. In vel ultrices leo.


  • AGE 19
  • BIRTHDAY September 3rd
  • BLOOD TYPE Unknown
  • RACE Dragon (SeaWing/SkyWing)
  • OCCUPATION Student/"Full Time Pranker"
  • PLACE OF BIRTH Bay of a Thousand Scales
  • RESIDENCE Jade Mountain
  • MBTI Unknown
  • ARCHETYPE The Joker
  • SEXUALITY Lesbian
  • HEIGHT Tall
  • WEIGHT Light
  • STATUS Unknown
  • SOCIAL STATUS Well Known


  • BODY BUILD: Lithe

  • BODY SHAPE: Slender

  • EYE SHAPE: Sharp

  • THREE SIZES: Long • Slender • Slim

  • Dark navy scales
  • Bigger than average wings (SkyWing blood)
  • Webbed talons
  • Unique Aquatic glow marks
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum






  • Riku moves gracefully, often described as similar to how a cat would move.
  • Only really slouches when she's upset; really tries to preserve her posture
  • Can tower over some because of her tall SkyWing genes
  • Proin eget neque non sem porta aliquet
  • Etiam fermentum rutrum
  • CASUAL: In a universe where dragons wear more casual clothing, Riku would no doubt wear hoodies and athletic gear, perhaps a shirt with the school insignia on it.

  • FORMAL: She could easily wear a dress, but she'd also refuse to.

  • SUMMER: Describe your character's summer outfit/ preferred outfit for summer wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • AUTUMN: Describe your character's autumn outfit/ preferred outfit for autumn wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • WINTER: Describe your character's winter outfit/ preferred outfit for winter wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • SPRING: Describe your character's spring wear outfit/ preferred outfit for spring wear. Feel free to link an image to the outfit here too if available while you're at it.

  • ACCESSORY: Riku has a pendant made of a conductive material, designed to keep her output of energy high to avoid it corroding her brain. It is a metallic pendant made of silver.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • ACCESSORY: Describe your character's accessory here. This box will scroll.

  • Pranking
  • Her Mother, Cordelia
  • Fighting Monsters
  • Unknown
  • Herself
  • Some Teachers
  • Her Father, Zeus (complicated)
  • Unknown

Pranking: Riku runs a prank shop on the outside of the school, hidden up in the one of many caves on Jade Mountain. She will prank anyone for the price of ground cherries, her favourite snack. If she's feeling particularly rebellious, she'll just prank others for her own entertainment. This ranges from jokingly shocking someone to doing things that could seriously harm herself or others.

Fighting: She loves fighting monsters and frequently goes out hunting for them, sometimes collecting their pieces as trophies to show off her kills. She's rarely allowed off school property, so she really enjoys this.

HABIT: Riku bares her teeth and growls at others when she speaks, which is just something she does.

HABIT: She bounces around when she's energised, hopping up and down frequently on her feet.

HABIT: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

  • WAY OF SPEAKING: Slightly childish, but also intellectual.


  • SWEARS?: Frequently

  • QUIRKS: Riku has a noticable accent to her voice, something that's a mix of Greek and French.

Riku always speaks with a smirk on her face, always looking smug and prideful. Her voice is young, a bit "scratchy" yet light. She sounds full of herself, something she does to make herself look more unapproachable from narcissism.

  • "Get out of my way."
  • "Don't say another word."
  • "Got a problem, huh, punk?"
  • "Shut up."
  • "Or what, huh?!"
  • COLOUR Cornflower Blue
  • FOOD Grilled Salmon
  • SEASON Autumn
  • TIME OF DAY Dusk
  • HOLIDAY April Fools'
  • ANIMAL Spider
  • GENRE Sci-Fi

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STRENGTH: Describe/ explain your character's strength here. This section will scroll. Fusce quis magna scelerisque, consequat ex non, cursus urna. Curabitur vel auctor lacus. Cras augue ante, tempus lacinia purus sit amet, lobortis imperdiet mi.

STRENGTH: Sed vulputate vestibulum nibh, id sagittis nunc maximus eu. Nulla vel sagittis diam. In malesuada eu risus non tempus. Proin iaculis a odio et pharetra. Phasellus dictum magna sit amet augue efficitur congue non id felis.

STRENGTH: Vivamus tristique ultrices tincidunt. Vestibulum vestibulum ante ac luctus sagittis. In mollis metus libero, vel varius enim ultricies at. Morbi tempor nisi ac magna pharetra, non accumsan sapien consequat. Proin imperdiet porttitor vulputate.

Fear of Powers: Riku fears her own mind and what her powers could do if she let them take control of her body. These two things combined petrify her, and pointing this out can make her use her powers less than normal in a fight. However, this is just a temporary fix to problems, as when she fights, her powers automatically ramp up as a defense. Using this tactic is more effective before or after a fight, or when she’s not in combat at all. Reminding her of her past attacks can definitely scare her.

Friends: Despite how much she acts like she cares about no one, she is scared of how much she cares about her few friends. Riku would kill for them. Riku would die for them. If they were in harm’s way, Riku would do anything to get them out of it, even if it would hurt her or make her push herself way too far. She knows this will likely hurt her much more than it will help her, but she can’t drop her bonds. She is too attached. She couldn’t accept it if any of them died. She wouldn’t accept it. Ri would try to bring them back. Ri would do anything.

Emotional Fragility: Riku’s emotions are easily toyed with, so she tends to keep them hidden or covered by anger and rage. She has emotional breakdowns often, but they are all secret, and no one knows how fragile she really is. Riku feels unloved, but she has done absolutely nothing to make her feelings known. She thinks she deserves it, so she keeps it inside. She keeps it a secret.

Reputation: Her reputation is a sore spot for her, as she never felt understood from the pedestal that everyone puts her own, and this makes her doubt her actions and feel alone even when she’s not. On the other hand, she can act irrationally to “keep up” this toxic reputation though, going as far to insult others unprovoked and be generally untouchable as a dragon could be. This is to keep an emotional distance to drive away future attachments others may try to make with her. It’s a repetitive cycle that is incredibly harmful to her physical and emotional health.

Mother's Death: Sometimes, in the right context, mentioning the death of her mother can cause her to go into a downward spiral of emotion. Even though it wasn’t her fault and she couldn’t have done anything to stop it, Riku will always blame herself for not being strong enough. It can cause her to become extremely vulnerable, however, if it is said mindlessly and in pure hate to her, she will ignore it and look down on you for it. She may gain temporary strength from it, so exploiting this weakness can be a double-edged sword, but when done right, it can devastate the dragoness.

Tribal Skills: After her transformation, her tribal skills have faded a lot, but she is still a fast swimmer and can breathe underwater for about three hours before her gills start to give out. After that, Ri can hold her breath for about an hour. She is still an incredibly fast swimmer due to her constant training, but with her limited gills, she’s working on increasing her lung capacity and breath-holding. She inherited no skills from her SkyWing side.

Combat Abilities: Riku is an extremely good fighter. She trains almost every hour of the day, even at the dead of night in the middle of the woods. The only time she isn’t training is her break days and her “prank days”, as well as the two to six hours of sleep she gets every night. She is good with talon-to-talon, and her fighting style is incredibly unpredictable and adaptable to a wide range of foes. This is one of her best skills due to her dedication and constant practice.

Weapon Skills: She is less skilled with weapons than her own talons, but she still trains with them on ¼ of her training days, which is still a lot. Her preferred weapon is her sword, which is imbued with her native element of electricity. She is a master with it, but she still wants to hone her skills.

Multilingual: Riku is fluent in three languages; the common Draconic known to all dragons, the Greek she learned from her father, and her mother spoke a lot of French. She is more fluent in both Greek and French than she is Draconic, as it’s what she grew up knowing before Draconic.

Electrokinesis: Being a child of the lightning god, Riku has immense control over electricity and lightning. She can manipulate it in all forms and can make shapes and weapons from controlled bolts. In a human setting, Riku would have enough power to black out a few streets worth of people.

Blood Ritual Abilities: This is a power of Riku’s that she was not born with. She has these abilities due to a blood sacrifice she performed. As a result, she calls herself a Stormborn, after how these powers manifested in the form of a huge storm. This ritual transformed her, making her more god than mortal.

Everytime she kills something — be it mortals or animals — she gains power from their physical, magical, and spiritual strength. This allows her to go way past her limits, and can give her addicting rushes of power that sweep her off her feet. This augmented power eventually fades after a certain period of time if she doesn’t keep killing, until she is just at base power again.

It mainly enhances her speed, strength, and natural demigod abilities by exponential levels when used excessively. Rikue rarely uses this power, if ever, because animals and monsters she actually wants to kill are few and far between. She doesn’t want to kill mortals, even though they would give her the greatest boost in power.


GOAL: Riku has expressed interest in bettering her tribal skills, namely her SeaWing underwater breathing and to bring out more SkyWing traits, such as better flying endurance.

Power: She fears her own powers, often being afraid that if she let them take control, she would never get control of herself again. Reminding her of her past attacks can scare her.

Friends: Riku care for her few friends, but this scares her. She would die and kill for them, even if it hurts her more than helping her.

  • POSTURE: Slouched

  • SMOKES/ DRUGS?: Would (if she found them)



Riku is in great health, being perfectly lean and slim due to her constant work outs. She is very physically active, but this comes at the cost of doing most of it in the early morning hours, way before the sun rises. Even when sick, Riku is up and going.

  • Riku's old name prior to her revamp was Raiu, which is the name of my first ever OC!
  • Duis scelerisque risus vel mollis laoreet. Curabitur semper justo id cursus congue. Nunc a quam congue, gravida arcu ut, posuere velit.
  • Cras pellentesque enim sed est rhoncus commodo. Nullam dignissim turpis quis nulla dapibus, et pulvinar diam euismod. Nunc tortor nisi, mattis quis nisi nec, ultricies rhoncus eros. In vel ultrices leo.


  • RELATIONSHIP: Parental (Father/Daughter)

  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Estranged

Zeus is Riku's godly parent, her father, and despite the numerous demigod and deity children he's fathered, they are surprisingly close. Well, they used to be. Following the death of Cordelia, Riku's mother, they have drifted apart and act more like old friends, if their relationship can even be called that.

RIKU'S THOUGHTS ON ZEUS: "My old man, the man."

ZEUS'S THOUGHTS ON RIKU: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."


  • DYNAMIC: Unknown

  • HOW CLOSE ARE THEY?: Unknown

Describe the character's relationship here. This box will scroll. Etiam porta auctor libero nec lobortis. Sed quis ex quis felis malesuada vestibulum ut non justo. Maecenas scelerisque laoreet quam, sit amet congue elit molestie venenatis.

Duis rhoncus purus id velit maximus, eget condimentum ipsum ultrices. Sed sed viverra justo. Integer vitae lacinia neque. Vivamus sodales quam ut odio blandit lobortis. Nam porttitor, augue non pulvinar commodo, enim ante auctor elit, a iaculis enim turpis accumsan tortor. Integer sagittis ligula at tellus fringilla, non tincidunt quam condimentum. Vestibulum auctor ut nisl eget bibendum. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Quisque non porta nisi, iaculis convallis nulla.

A'S THOUGHTS ON B: "In character, give Character A's thoughts on Character B. This box will not scroll. Nunc fringilla vehicula diam, dictum porttitor ligula eleifend volutpat. Nunc ultricies pharetra sem, in consectetur tellus gravida eget. Vivamus fringilla odio quis hendrerit cursus. Sed vulputate et est sed facilisis."

B'S THOUGHTS ON A: "In character, give Character B's thoughts on Character A. This box will not scroll. Maecenas nisi nibh, egestas nec hendrerit id, scelerisque et urna. Donec eget sem nisl. Phasellus scelerisque varius tellus, quis fringilla sem placerat a."