Countess Charletaine (Detailed Profile)



Design Notes:

. Charletaine wears a porcelain mask, and she never removes it, unless to swap with another mask with a different expression.

. She also wears delicate metal finger jewellery pieces with a piercing, sharp point. There is one on each finger, and can be used to draw blood. Despite this, they are more for decoration than useful purpose.



Occupation - High Archivist of the Vampyrian Court

Personality - Countess Charletaine's personality is vague to those who meet her, but beyond the mask, she is a gentle woman who devoutly dedicates herself to her studies and her libraries. Despite her connections with the Vampyrian Court, she is not formidably vicious like her counterparts.


Height - Approximately 6'4"

Build - Thin, graceful build.

Strength - Has very little strength.

Physical Abilities - Charletaine has the expected traits of a Vampyrian, including increased speed and agility, though she rarely uses it unless in danger. Also, like all of her fellow traditional Vampyrian, she consumes blood regularly to maintain her rejuvenated body and complexion, though she does not harvest the blood herself.


As High Archivist of the Vampyrian Court, the Countess is typically found silently floating through the ancient libraries. Entirely mute, she communicates through hand signs when required, but prefers not to have any conversation where possible. Despite her typically emotionless appearance, Charletaine, if consumed by severe emotion, will swap her mask for another that depicts such feeling.


Silence, or otherwise gentle classical music

Literature & Historical Archiving 


Being dragged into politics and relations within the Court

Being perceived or stared at for too long


. Charletaine prefers the company of silence, or otherwise gentle classical music. She experiences moderate audio sensory issues, and will retreat to the halls of the ancient libraries to escape overstimulation.

. She also throughly enjoys literature and historical archiving, and this consumes most of her time.

. In terms of dislikes, Charletaine despises being dragged into politics and relations within the Court, and being perceieved and stared at for too long.

OOC Trivia

. Charletaine is a reflection of some of my experience with Autism. She's technically a half-sona at this point.