


1 year, 21 days ago


God of Unity, born of Aether, Fire and Earth, in an effort to bring both humanity and nature closer together in harmony, in a plan devised by Aether.

    Designed almost like an artificial mechanism, Iaikhyata is focused solely on accomplishing the goal of its creation. Such work is carried out by their very being, as populations of the microorganisms which consist their colony-like body are released into the wild in the Natural World. There, they can serve as mind-altering parasites which can affect both mortals and fauna, redirecting their behaviour to be more amicable to each other. While the effects on a single individual are extremely subtle and undetectable on their own, they can be quite notable when present in the majority of communities.
    As the project proved quite successful, the rate of "expeditions" to the Natural World has slowed down considerably since its conception almost to a halt, as nature and mortalkind began to approach a satisfactory equilibrium. This relative lack of activity has allowed Iaikhyata to flourish as their own "individual", becoming more familiar with the other deities present in the Realm Beyond, despite their quirks being apparently even more eccentric than what is considered regular in such a place. 

    They consist of billions of flatworm-like individuals, each resembling microscopic segments of ribbon in shape. Working in unison, they serve as musculature, nervous and neural system for the hivemind.
