Pastella Rose



1 year, 19 days ago





Pastella Rose

Priestess of Light


Cis Female

Mystic [Elf]




Pastel Rose is a devoted religious figure who venerates a deity associated with outcasts and tricksters. Endowed with a rare form of mana (light), her distinct abilities have designated her as a Guardian. Prophesied to be a future sacrificial figure and hero, tasked with safeguarding the Realm of Paradox, she, alongside her fellow Guardians, endeavours to end the war before the rupture of the barrier. The successful end of the conflict would render the barrier obsolete, thereby preventing the necessity for a sacrifice. Pastel perceives this calling as a divine bestowal from her deity, positioning her amidst kindred misfits to undertake an impossible challenge.

May my god guide my light finally end this war where two sides can live in peace



June 5th


Chaotic Good


Follow the light out of the darkness


While Pastel generally remains consistent throughout her life, she does grow up and is impacted by the ongoing war. During her childhood, Pastel exhibited a strong sense of curiosity and a penchant for mischief, often pilfering additional snacks from the kitchen, a behaviour that frequently led to her being reprimanded and restricted. However, her actions were not solely selfish; if successful in her endeavours, she would generously share her ill-gotten gains with her peers and younger children. She navigated her formative years with audacity, continuously probing the boundaries of acceptability. Despite her recklessness, she refrained from inflicting harm unless warranted.

An assertive individual in her youth, Pastel adamantly opposed bullying, earning her the focal point of such behaviours. Nevertheless, she remained steadfast and resolute, unafraid to confront and, if necessary, report the perpetrators to the church figureheads. She confronted adversity with resilience, and disparaging remarks failed to deter her.

Adult years: Pastel, as an adult, continues to express her opinions but now exercises greater discretion in her actions. When she decides to act in a manner that challenges regulations, she demonstrates foresight and employs stealth. Her capacity for empathy has expanded, allowing her to care for the sick without succumbing to illness herself. To provide solace to her patients, she adopts a gentle demeanour. Pastel remains resolute in addressing injustices, yet exhibits a reduced inclination to forgive those who wrong her. Regrettably, she has developed a gambling addiction and frequently engages in impulsive wagers for personal gain. Consequently, she has suffered considerable material losses, albeit she is unwilling to seek assistance for this compulsive behaviour.

War of Change During the evolving conflict, Pastel has matured. Although she continues to demonstrate compassion towards others, her experiences in the war have led her to adopt a more reserved and cautious approach towards those who may have misused opportunities for redemption. Having been betrayed by a previously trusted individual, she now exercises greater discernment in extending kindness to those deemed unworthy. Her focus has shifted towards adopting a more calculated and prudent approach, prioritizing the well-being and unity of her group, a perspective likely influenced by the significant loss of life she has witnessed. While she has developed a degree of desensitization towards death, she remains emotionally invested in commemorating those who have perished under her charge. Notably, Pastel has successfully overcome a prior gambling addiction, recognizing its detrimental impact on her involvement. Although she maintains an optimistic outlook on the potential for rehabilitation among hunters involved in the war, she approaches them with a sense of vigilance and reserve.







Risk taker


She is far more forgiving than most, willing to show compassion to those who bite her hand while she helps. Yet no mystic god has a temper like hers when that aggression is passed onto others. As long as she is the focus of their anger all will be forgiven.



I have grown so much since I was a young girl yet my faith has never changed.

The guardian of light whose faith never changed throughout her journey. She only desires to end the conflict and spread the words of compassion and understanding of her god. A woman who chooses peace but one who will not stand idle in the face of violence. Paradox is her home, her task of being a guardian a divine right and she will not stop until Paradox no longer needs to hide.

Pre Guardian Era

Raised by a single father and never knew her mother, who had left the family shortly after her birth. The renowned paladin faced a challenging decision between prioritizing his duty to his god or raising his daughter and ensuring her safety in a world without war. Recognizing his predicament, the church offered to assume responsibility for Pastel's upbringing, educating her in their faith and allowing her the autonomy to decide her path when she reached adulthood.

During Pastel's childhood, she remained unaffected by her mother's absence as she had never known her. Similarly, she was unperturbed by her father's decision to entrust her care to the church. Despite his infrequent presence, she sensed his affection each time he returned home, often accompanied by a collection of letters, which she interpreted as a positive indicator of their family dynamic. Although she longed for her father's more consistent presence, she comprehended the significance of his responsibilities. Despite the church's rigidity, Pastel did not experience solitude, as she had the company of girls her age during her education. Furthermore, she engaged with boys and individuals who identified outside traditional gender categories. The doctrinal teachings of the church were stringent yet equitable, an approach that Pastel would later emulate as an adult.

Her life would have been unremarkable had she not been selected as a guardian. Her church was among the few that welcomed the terminally ill. "Build-up" a prevalent condition among mystics who absorb excessive amounts of mana, rendering it toxic to the body. This condition is contagious, dooming the affected individual, as others are reluctant to assist for fear of contracting it. Nevertheless, the church opened its doors to the ailing, providing them a comforting environment for their final days. They were kept isolated, with a physician to observe them from a distance. Despite this protocol, Pastel expressed interest in an ailing individual, approaching and even coming into contact without succumbing to the illness. Upon being discovered, she was isolated, and death was anticipated, but it never came for the young girl.

The church faced a challenging decision regarding Pastel. They had to deliberate whether to isolate her from the sick or to assess her capabilities in aiding them. The issue was contentious due to concerns about being accountable for her potential illness and mortality based on her father's standing within the church. Nevertheless, some believed that Pastel could utilize her gift to comprehend and remedy the illness, viewing it as her divine prerogative. Ultimately, the decision was presented to Pastel without diminishing the associated risks. Driven by her inquisitive nature, Pastel undertook the responsibility of tending to the sick. Remarkably, she remained in good health while also providing solace to those in the advanced stages of illness.

Pastel possessed distinctive traits that deviated from the characteristics typically associated with her race and mana typing. As a light mystic, she demonstrated proficiency in fundamental abilities but displayed a remarkable aptitude for manipulating light. This enabled her to render herself invisible at will and to alter her appearance using light, serving her preferred purpose of avoiding tasks and procuring additional sacks for herself and the children under her care. Her capabilities resemble those attributed to the Saint of Light, a Guardian from a prior era.

Word of Pastel's extraordinary abilities reached the empress, who personally witnessed the manifestation of the child's gifts. At the age of sixteen, she was officially designated as a guardian and was entrusted with the accompanying responsibilities. Despite her outward stoicism and acceptance of her predetermined fate to sacrifice herself for the preservation of others, she harboured an inner desire for a more extensive experience of life.

Guardian Era

It was inevitable that all the Guardians would eventually be located. Rather than continuing to sacrifice themselves to uphold the barrier, the leader of the new Guardians opted to negotiate with the empress. This agreement held the potential to jeopardize the entire mystic species; however, if successful, it would eliminate the need for any guardians to perish and relieve the mystics from confinement within the barrier. It would also allow for the reclamation and expansion of the long-forgotten lands of Paradox. Rivers' words and character resonated with Pastel, leading her to interpret them as an expression of divine fate. She believed that it was crucial for an outsider like Rivers to step forward and broker an agreement with the empress. With the impending destruction of the barrier, they had to conclude the war. Attaining this objective would necessitate Pastel giving up her position within the church for a certain period.

In her role as a guardian, she adeptly fostered a sense of camaraderie within the group, akin to that of a close-knit family. The team experienced both joyous and challenging moments, inevitably leading to occasional disputes due to the presence of numerous vibrant and impassioned personalities. Notably, Pastel discovered her intrinsic value beyond the confines of her religious affiliation and utilized her acquired wisdom to offer guidance to her peers during times of uncertainty. It is noteworthy that she conscientiously abstained from imposing her personal beliefs on others, employing moral precepts wisely and with discretion.

She embarked on a mentorship under Solaria, a council member and a proficient healer known for pioneering medical advancements in Paradox. Under Solaria's mentorship, Pastel evolved into a more adept medical aid for the Guardians. Her compassionate treatment of hunters has resulted in her being widely regarded on both sides of the conflict as a humanitarian figure providing relief to the ailing and the afflicted.

War of Change

During the period of conflict known as the War of Change, Pastel ascended to the position of head of the church, owing to her compassionate actions that bridged both sides of the conflict. Nevertheless, her reputation has been tarnished by certain mystics. Within the church, however, she garners robust support due to her adherence to their teachings.

Guardians, being individuals with a limited lifespan, possess the unique capability to absorb substantial amounts of mana before succumbing to its adverse effects, a threshold that expands with age and mana usage. Over time, guardians, including Pastel, undergo a gradual fusion with their associated elemental force. This fusion manifests in the dazzling luminosity of Pastel's eyes, rendering direct observation challenging and obscuring her eye color. Although this luminosity does not impair her vision during daylight, it renders her nearly sightless in dimly lit environments during nighttime.

Even after the conclusion of the war, her endeavour to guide the church's development and attract new adherents persists. Moreover, she aspires to impart knowledge to the subsequent guardian of light, equipping them to safeguard Paradox.


blue eyes, with pale skin and red, wavy hair.

Basics: Pastel has a wavy hair texture, and the pupils of her eyes are white as a result of being a 'light mystic' a trait all light mystics have. The exception is during the 'War of Change' She is an elf and as such has pointed ears. She does not have any visible scars or marks on her body.

Pre-Guardian Era: Her hair is cut short and she wears no makeup. Pastel wears a similar outfit to the other low-tier sisters of the church. A white sash to show her innocence at the start of her journey into the church. Her dress has long sleeves that flair out. The colour of her dress is blue and white.

Guardian Era: Having to leave her church duties Pastel has removed her religious attire trading it for a dark blue body suit, white and blue stockings and dark blue boots. Her overcoat has similar features to the traditional religious attire but is not an official uniform. She still wears the crown a symbol of her loyalty to her god. She also wears a red lip

Sun and Moon Festival: Pastel is of age that she can attend. Her hair is tied back in two looped braids with the sun and moon flower on either side of her head. A bisexual Pastel wears the colors of both the sun and moon. Her makeup is smudged with purple and yellow. symbols of the sun and moon are painted on various parts of her body. Her top is black,blue and yellow with white moon symbols. She wears black shorts with a matching sash but with sun elements

War of Change: During the war of Change, Pastel is more in tune with her light magic. Her eyes are void of colour they glow. Her hair is cut short with the front sections being slightly longer. She is back in her religious uniform, at this point, she now leads her church. She has earned her place to wear the symbols of her god on both the front of her dress and the sashes hang around her shoulders. She wears white pants with dark blue and gold boots. Her make-up is basic with a red lip.

War of Change Armor: Pastel remains in her partial religious attire but with armour elements added for protection during the war. She wears a similar headdress as she had once before with a mask. She has armour covering her chest, arms, shoulders and hips. Her makeup is messy and dark blue.

My god has gifted me with great power to guide those lost to the light

Pastel began as the creator's first d&d character but enjoyed the idea so much that they made her apart of the main cast. As a result is the reason why paradox seems to have some d&d like influences such as characters having traits of a particular class and even some races. As a d&d character, Pastel is a High elf with a gambler background and is a Trickery domain cleric.

Her full name is Pastella Rose but enjoys her nickname 'Pastel', Her formal title is 'Priestess of Light' she has also gone by Lady Rose, and Pas

Pastel is the light guardian like another light mystic she can create blinding balls of light, create coloured lights and even make objects glow, Healing although not related to light is a common strange ability all light mystics have. However, since she is a guardian she is also able to bend light to make herself and others appear invisible, She is also able to create illusions by bending light. She can fair okay in the dark or poorly lit locations her light magic isn't as strong at night or in places of pure darkness.

Mana build-up is a death sentence for all mystics and is contagious. Pastel can slow down the process in both herself and others. She is unable to transfer the sickness to others if she is affected and she is unable to catch it from others. Most mystics are unsure if this is due to her guardian status, a divine gift from her god or something in her biology.





Closed-minded people

The Night

People who think they are gods
