


6 years, 19 days ago



"AHhhh! mouthy p-please...quiet voices."

  • Name Blythe
  • Age 25
  • Height 5'3"
  • Body Shape Rectangle
  • Sexuality Asexual
  • Personality

    Blythe is a shy monster girl, who likes to keep to herself and rarely speaks to others. Though where her social abilities lack, her stomach mouth makes up for- the mouth in Blythe's stomach is a loud mouth and talks for Blythe half of the time.The only time Blythe ever uses her own voice is when she's with her girlfriend, Ophelia. She is an very anxious person and is trying her hardest to become better at communicating but it's a little tough when her vocal coach isd her loud mouth stomach.

  • Appearance

    She is a light grey skinned monster, with grey colored eyes, grey colored hair that's tied into a messy bun with a pink, baby blue, and magenta flower crown, she of course has the mouth in her stomach, she wears a pink and baby blue striped sweater that is oversized and hangs off her body a bit past her elbow, a black crop top underneath with a dripping heart design, magenta tights ripped on her thighs and knees, wears knee high converse that are colored half and half-the outside being pink and the inside baby blue, the shoes have grey laces as well as grey soles, and black tounges for the shoes. .

  • Likes Ophelia, Lofi, Sweets, Flowers, Alone time, and Non-physical affection
  • Dislikes Astrid, Loud noises, Confrontation, Science, and Bright lights
  • Backstory

    Blythe doesnt know why she was made just that she was an accident or some cruel joke the scientist's decided would be funny. She was born in a scientific medical building named the Atrium; the goal of the Atrium was to experiment and create new life altering discoveries. Her creation stemmed from experimenting with the yokai spirit, Futakuchi-onna. She was created out of pure curiosity and nothing more, and once she came to be she was immediately found to be weak and useless. Thrown to the side and placed into the lower depths of the facility. Blythe was kept in a padded, locked cell with bright blinding lights. Although she was by herslef she wasnt alone; her second mouth learned how to speak with her and kept her company. The second mouth wasnt the best company though, they liked to speak vulgar language and be mean to Blythe. She lived here for 18 years of her life till there was an accident caused by a higher being and she was able to escape.

    Blythe now in a new unknown world wasnt sure how to go about everything. Thankfully in the forest she was crashing in there was someone nearby who had been living on the "mortal plane" for several years now; this person being Astrid. She taught Blythe what she knew and in the process, Astrid fell in love with Blythe. Not quite sure what those kind of feelings were and how they worked yet Astrid took advantage of Blythe and forced her into uncomfortable situations. Blythe never had the courage to leave on her own though, but once she met Ophelia she learned how to be confident. With this she left Astrid and started to become her own person. Her and Ophelia grew to like each other with time and started a healthy realtionship.

  • Ophelia Girlfriend

    Ophelia is a wonderful and sweet girlfriend who always takes Blythe's feelings into account.

  • Astrid Ex Girlfriend

    Astrid was a rather posessive and obsessive girlfriend was just overall pretty toxic. Blythe doesnt resent her for it but wishes she would grow too.

  • Playlist


  • Things to Remember
    • ● She can be drawn with the drippy letters on her sweater or without.
    • ● The words on her sweater can either say "SPEAK" or "FREAK".
    • ● Her sweater is super baggy and pulled down. The sleeves are connected.
    • ● Her second mouth can move they just prefer to be on her tummy.
    • blythe_a_1_by_velrosealdamor-dcbptae.jpg

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