


11 months, 22 days ago








male he/him


probably bisexual or something


anthropomorphic bird demon thing


casino owner

voice claim


Demon from Hell who owns the casino Raye works at. He got lucky when Raye accidentally summoned him and is having her work for him indefinitely to pay off his debt... He's old and washed up and pathetic and a loser but he's pretty charismatic and tries really hard to play this swag casino owner guy







 On the outside, Lamont is charismatic, witty, clever, and to some degree, intimidating. He lies with ease and knows how to talk himself out of any situation. He's also kind of a sleazy asshole. He took pleasure in mildly terrorizing Raye when she initially started working at the casino.
 However, this is, for the most part, a front. Lamont is insecure and full of regret about how he spent his younger years, during which he got involved with the wrong crowd, which is why he has so much debt. He's impulsive, friendless, an alcoholic coward, and can't move on from his defunct marriage. Basically he's pretty pathetic. He's only shown this side of himself to Raye, as she once walked in on him desperately on the phone with his ex wife. From that point onward, he's been using her as a personal therapist since she's already seen his true self, and she's in no position to tell anybody about what she hears. When he vents to her, his usual demeanour is gone. He's a blubbering mess and is basically a stream of consciousness, telling her every thought that crosses his mind. It's almost as if she's not there and only asks for her input if it's to receive validation from her, which she almost always (albeit unenthusiastically) gives him because he's her boss. These interactions usually happen at night, either in person or over the phone. He's rather fond of karaoke when he feels down, making for awkward situations where he's drunk out of his mind half-singing-half-sobbing a song as Raye sits politely with her hands on her lap on the sofa. This insecurity is nowhere to be found once the night ends, though. He becomes his usual self by morning which is especially jarring to Raye as he treats her with the same confidence and asshole-ish behavior like she doesn't know all the details of his tragic divorce.
 However, eventually, Raye gets sick of him. Although not very confrontational herself, after Lamont allows the both of them to be humiliated by his loan sharks out of cowardice, weeks (months?) of disdain towards him and his sorry behavior finally spill out. Using all of the ammo he willingly gave her, she lambasts him with a scathing critique of his character and actions. This is a turning point for him, and it genuinely causes him to reflect deeply on what he's done to improve the self he hates so much (nothing.) From that point onward, he makes conscious efforts not to be such an asshole to Raye in particular. He knows Raye doesn't like him, but he doesn't know what to do about it since he's so horribly emotionally stunted. So, he starts taking her to "run errands" with him during her shift, intending to give her a break. They usually consist of her sitting quietly in the car as he actually does errands with failed attempts at conversation on his part. He kinda becomes more like an awkward dad trying desperately to connect with his estranged daughter who hates him. He tries genuinely asking questions about her and as she reluctantly gives him short one word answers, he becomes aware of his own selfishness. He realizes that as much as he's vented to Raye, he's never once asked about her and doesn't really know anything about her.
 His conversation attempts continue to flop until he earnestly apologizes, admits he's balls deep in debt and cannot let her go, but offers to actually pay her as a sign of good will. Only after that does Raye start actually engaging with him, and he also overall just becomes a better, more considerate person as a result of their friendship(???). he's no longer your dickhead boss he's a kind of cringe fail but good intentioned uncle figure. good for him


idk he's in debt divorced and has issues w his mother


  • yes he's named after the owl
  • he cannot dance for shit. he does those embarrassing ass grandpa dances bro it's unbearable to watch
  • he's modeled off of a white bellied sea eagle
  • he knows some nifty card tricks



raye employee/friend
 Lamont is Raye's boss and creditor. Despite his confident demeanour, he's actually quite pathetic, a side only Raye sees, as after catching him on the phone pleading with his ex wife, he often laments at night while drunk to her about his troubles ranging from his ex-wife to annoying clients in person or over the phone. When sober and not complaining to her, he's his usual charismatic and witty self, as if she doesn't know intimate and embarrassing details of his life. These times are rare, though. If he's sober enough to do so, he's usually too busy working to see her outside of a quick greeting. As a result, he may not know the full extent of the mistreatment she receives at work.
 This changed, though, once Raye absolutely tore into him after an intensely frustrating display of cowardice. When Lamont's loan sharks come to visit and he allows them to walk all over and humiliate both of them, she decides she's done with his shit. Using all of the information he'd willingly given her over the past weeks/months, she berated him and his flaws in depth while holding absolutely no punches, something very much out of character for her. This caused him to genuinely reflect on himself and his actions, but most of all realize how shitty his behavior towards Raye was. He started to see her as an actual person and wanted to make things right between them. So, if he noticed she was especially exhausted, he'd ask her to "run errands" with him. This was a thinly veiled attempt at giving her a break under the guise of working. Usually, Lamont drove around and actually completed errands while Raye sat in the passenger seat and said nothing. She was unreceptive at his attempts at conversation, but he kept trying. He knew she at first feared but later disliked him but wasn't sure what to do about it.
 Initially, Raye was terrified of Lamont. He was two feet taller than her, an actual demon from hell, and basically owned her until she repaid her unspecified debt. Lamont got a kick out of making her squirm, so he'd intentionally make loud noises to startle her or say things to worry her, among other things. This perception changed from fear to disdain as she realized how pathetic and lonely he was. Either way, he was still her boss, so she maintained a facade of passive politeness around him even when he was crying on the phone at 3AM about how he's wasted his youth. However, she struggled to do this for long. Hearing what a sad and sorry person he was while he didn't do anything about it AND actively made those around him miserable started to seriously piss her off. This culminated in her finally having enough and delivering a scathing critique of his character after his loan sharks visit and he lets them treat both of them like shit. She yelled at him, mocked him, cut him off, etc etc. She totally lost it LMAO
 While Raye expected him to get mad at her for speaking out, he was extremely passive and embarrassed, which just pissed her off even more. Was he so pathetic that as soon as she even started to confront him with his issues he became timid and weak??? Even so, after she stormed out of the room, she totally freaked out, realizing she basically called her boss a spineless pathetic coward and that when he comes to his senses he's definitely destroying her soul or something. To her surprise, though, he doesn't. He starts taking her out to "run errands" with him, which she recognizes as some kind of attempt to smooth things over with her, but she also sees that it's mostly him trying to make himself feel better without addressing the root problem, so she refused to buy into it.
 This awkward relationship until Lamont, realizing why Raye won't talk to him, earnestly apologizes, explains his situation, and offers to start giving her a cut of her earnings, showing that he's seriously sorry and willing to delay the absolvement of his debt in order to (kind of) do the right thing. Only then does she make genuine efforts at formulating responses to his conversation attempts, and the two actually kinda sorta become friends. Lamont still tells Raye about his problems, but Raye actually offers advice instead of sitting there and validating him like she assumed he wanted her to, and, as a result Lamont becomes a genuinely better person. Raye also starts telling him stuff about her, and he also tries to offer her advice. they have banter and silly stuff too it's pretty cool. it's kinda funny cause the roles basically switch. raye, the teenager is the one always taking the piss outta lamont, the grown ass man.. they have silly little arguments and stuff it's great trust me
 i think a major point in their relationship would be lamont eventually having enough genuine care for raye's wellbeing to let her go and raye choosing to stay cause they're friends and stuff now and she wants to help him.. big turning point for raye because old raye would NEVER complicate her life for the sake of someone else but well. people change


name ex-wife
he calls her and begs for her back and shit. she don't want him so nothing ever happens


name relationship
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