


1 year, 9 days ago



Name Elio Santos
Birthday June 14
Age 15
Gender Male
Height 5'4"|162 cm
Race Human
Talent-type Gold
Demeanor Optimistic

Elio is a young temp member of the commission work company BriarLight. Being an orphan he takes jobs in exchange for living expenses and basic eductional needs. His happy go lucky nature and willingness to do almost anything within reason makes a very popluar choice for odd jobs and long distance deliveries.


  • Exploring
  • Baked Goods
  • Festivals
  • Busy-work


  • Puzzles Games
  • Being Sick
  • Confinement
  • long waits




Elio's Talent type is Gold, the power to manipulate living things, as such Elio manifistes his power through a familiar. Elio's Talent is nicknamed Sol Beyond, its primiary ability is to heal wounds, he can use this on himself and others to heal small cuts or grievous life threatening wounds. However, the rate of healing is limited by the ammount of sunlight available, if none is present then his own blood is uses as a substitution. Having a Gold type Talent means Elio's power can also be used with more versititly, for example, he can use his familiar for protection, mobility, or boosting a friend's stamina or Talent.

Survival Training

Elio did not have the normalist of childhoods, unable to recall events past the age of 9 Elio was trained basic ways to survive in the outdoors by Masaru Yoshi, his adoptive older brother. Foreging, hiking, and basic self defense. As well as use of tools such as hatchets and knives.


What Elio loves more than anything is exploring, he often prioritizes this over other more important tasks such as school. Though he'd never put exploring over helping those who have asked for his help. His love for exploring has made him keen in memorizing terrain, layouts and notable structures. He often takes a map book and applies notes of shortcuts and details of locations he has visited that have interested him.


Elio was Born to Vienna and Hector Santos along with his twin sister Lucy. The family unfortunately did not stay together long, at five years old, their father would go missing, and soon after their mother would also leave home and never return. The twins would be left to their aunt Soledad, Hector's older sister. Elio and Lucy took this sudden change differently, but eventually both twins managed to somewhat move on, or atleast seem to.

However, this family would again be split apart. While on a trip, with his uncle, Elio nine years old at the time, would go missing along with the entire occupants of a muesuem, his uncle being outside at the time only saw the buidling catch on fire. In actually Elio, the guests, and staff where abducted. The isolasionist advanced city of Mallech would utilize their portal technology to take people to maintain the dwindling population of their city. Elio would not remember this nor his memories, as the city employed some kind of memory erasing techniques and implant false background for their captives. Thankfully, an oppostion group exsisted to expose the city leaders, and had commenced a raid to liberate the captives, unforntalty things go awry as a massive explosion forced the group to take as many people as they could, and escape outside the city.

With his memories gone Elio would be taken in by one of the oppostion members named Masaru Yoshi, eventually also joining the commission work company Briarlight. Now at fifteen years old Elio has volunteered to join a small group that will infiltrate Mallech and gather information.


While he cannot remember, his dislike for puzzles comes from the time had been given a puzzle cube. He had spent days trying to solve it only for his sister to figure it out within a couple hours, and thus he chucked it out the window.

He got sick easily as a young child and hated having to be kept indoors and so always takes extra precautions to avoid getting sick.

Elio is very blunt, and will never lie to a fault.

Despite being twins Lucy and Elio don't share the same birthday, their mother gave birth to lucy at 11:34 pm June 13th and Elio was born nearly 40 minutes later on June 14th.



Isaiah [ Friend ]

"I promised him he'd never forget anything again."


Lucy [ Friend? ]

"She's so cool and crafty, but why does she remind me of someone?"


Korin [ Friend! ]

"I'm so glad she's on our side, defiantly wouldn't want to be on the receving end of her punch."


Dalton [ Bestie ]

"He's so funny, but I wish he calmed down sometimes..."


Michael [ Friend ]

"He's nice but kinda a buzzkill sometimes."

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