Cealote Turnip



8 years, 5 months ago


Cealote Turnip

Cealote Turnip
Government Research Subject
Satyr & Dryad Hybrid/British


kind • happy • yearning for freedom
Eye Color(s)Bright Mint GreenPhysical TraitsAntlers, Deer Ears
Hair Color(s)Bright Mint GreenGenderFemale
HeightFive Feet, seven inchesHandednessRight
WeightUnknownChest SizeCup B
BuildBrick/Hourglass ShapeQuote"Run with me~"

The Area 5 facility is a top-class research facility that studies interdimensional beings, paranormal beings, and other odd entities that traverse our plane. They keep said beings away from the rest of the human population, to prevent any catastrophes that may occur from interacting with them. The world of Area 51 may appear small, but appearances can be deceiving. Hidden deep underground are several levels of government floors, each within their own sector. The more dangerous the individual, the deeper the individual is, to prevent escape as much as possible. There are twelve sectors in the facility: The Curie Sector (Sector One), The Brahmagupta Sector (Sector Two), The Galen Sector (Sector Three), The Hypatia Sector (Sector Four), The Goldberg Sector (Sector Five), The Theon Sector (Sector Six), The Pythagoras Sector (Sector Seven), The Archimedes Sector (Sector Eight), The Anaximander Sector (Sector Nine), The Carver Sector (Sector Ten), The Winogradsky Sector (Sector Eleven), and The Alhazen Sector (Sector Twelve). There are at least fifty scientists assigned to each floor, with each scientist working in their own specialty field, related to the subject case they're on. Each subject case is in relation to an individual that displays anomalous properties, or is a anomalous being altogether. 


We all want to run away from out problems. Cealote wishes to do the same.



Cealote doesn't mind the facility or it's workers too much. As long as she can do what she loves and still have her parents, she'd be more happy outside.


Born to a Dryad mother and a Satyr father that were taken out of the British Isles during the 70's, Cealote was born in the Area 51 compound. Raised there her entire life, she doesn't know much about the rest of the world, and would love to know more about it, especially the forest! She hopes to run in the forest, the wind at her back one day.












fighting style

Cealote has vast amounts of stamina to make up for her lack of defense, and can nimbly wind around cluttered battlefields if needed be. The weapon she uses is a simple blow dart, one loaded with stun darts, poison darts, and indigestion darts. A stun dart works after a minuet of hitting the bloodstream, and knocks out the victim for around ten minutes. A poison dart works after one to two minutes of hitting the bloodstream depending on how big the person is, and should kill the person after a few minutes The poison used in these darts is the one used from the poison dart frog, specifically from the sub-type "dendrobates granuliferus" (granular poison dart frog). Indigestion darts are not meant to cause death, but simply to be used as a distraction for security guards and other people as well. Once the dart hits the bloodstream, chemicals are released and circulates through the rest of the body, eventually hitting the stomach where these chemicals agitate this organ, forcing the victim to need a very long bathroom break.

While Cealote is a very fast girl, she is also a bit of a few-trick pony. She doesn't have a whole lot of things up her sleeve, so really all she has is her darts and her speed. As well as few tricks, she also has a low guard up constantly, so she could be pretty easily run over by a tank. This leaves her open with plenty of physical weak spots, so she can get hit with strong attacks.



Cealote wears more fitness oriented clothing, finding that breathable tights and breathable clothing is best. Sparkling ribbons and sheer skirts are often warn, as she likes to grab the attention of those she's running around with the appearance of a sparkling blur. For her, it's all about being able to run. If she can't run in it, then there's a pretty good chance she won't wear it. Cealote considers clothing like that to be far to restrictive for her running habit.

In this outfit, she wears a pair of tights, a no-sleeved shirt, a outside border collar, a sheer skirt, and ribbons on her limbs. The brown tights have a pattern of a yellow diamond with a yellow circle on top of the diamond, and are located on each kneecap.

This outfit is a simple track suit, a light green two piece. The bottoms are a pair of shorts with white stripes on each side, while the shirt is short sleeved and has a little cartoon white deer on the right side of the chest. 

For Cealote's pajamas, she wears a simple pair of green lace shorts and a simple green lace cutoff top. Her swimsuit is a crisscross hollow strap bikini top, and she wears a straw hat with it. 


She's a very bubbly girl, and sees the good in everybody, even in someone like Aphaelon. Rather hard to put down, she's upbeat constantly, even at a funeral. An absolute spazz, she can be found running around the facility if she isn't chatting someone up, as she's an absolute chatterbox. A bit of a tough cookie, she hates violence, yet is willing to use violence to stop violence. Rather ironic, I know. 

She loves to run. It's pretty much her favorite hobby, and gets excited when she hears the word. Has british accent. She also can speak to animals. Able to grow plants from the ground, she's able to use them like vines, and can produce bulbs that explode with electricity on contact. Cealote isn’t the sharpest tool in the shed. If given a bouquet of flowers, she will happily take it. Then eat said flowers in front of you. Likes: Running, big boobs, animals, almost everyone she meets, sports, singing, pine trees, makeup. Dislikes: Poachers, poison ivy, books, sitting still, cleaning her ears, shedding her antlers, shyness. Hates: Couch potatoes, the word "no," Bambi, chipping a hoof, falling out of trees. Loves: Caramel dipped onions, porcelain figures, kale smoothies, tag, lime ice cream, "Dat ass tho". Fears: Falling into a tar pit, plants dying, losing ability to run, being hated, mother being shot by hunters (thanks Bambi!), buried alive. When Cealote was younger, she watched the Bambi movie with the other kids during movie night. It scarred her for life, and now she's utterly terrified of her mother being shot by hunters. Even though her mother is a dryad and her father is the satyr.

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