
Name: Sakushi "ShiShi" Shizuno

Occupation: UA Student

Quirk: Mind Trickery

Shizuno's quirk at first glance looks like it's capable of "creating" lifelike "illusions" in a very wide radius effecting everyone within it. However, the true nature of these Illusions stems from his qurik tricking the minds eye and preception, and making it see something completely different than whats actually being seen. He can make "real" fire, which seems like its burning and hurting things, when in reality nothing has been harmed. If a person "touches" the fire, they will react as though it is burning them alive, "burns" will appear their skin, etc. However their physical body is remaining unharmed.

Essentially, his quirk toys with the mind and its preception of the world around them, causing psychological phenomina. In turn he's been bullied a lot as a child for having such a cruel quirk, being told he would nevrr amount to anything with a quirk like that by his peers who feared him. All the kids his age were too scared to get close to him, just incase they angered him and he "toyed with their brains."

When his quirk is in use, light blue markings appear on his skin and his scelera turn black. However, if he starts to over use his quirk (e.g doing a radius out of his usual limit for too long, using too many amplifiers at a time as his max is usually 10, holding large illusions usually 25+ people for more than 1-2 hours, etc) the blackened Scelera starts to over take his pupils as well. This can cause emotional, mental, and physical blindness, and Shizuno becomes unaware of his actions once the black spreads to covering the whole of his eyes. Overuse of his quirk can cause minor to major memory issues to himself only. This has caused Shizuno a bit of trauma involing some things in his past that caused him quirk overuse, but most were minor issues resolved in a short while and his memory usually would slowly come back. However, Major Issues such as larger scale memory loss (forgetting crucial life events, forgetting close friends/family members, forgetting his own identity, etc) can result in hospitalization for anywhere from 2 weeks to several months if the issue persists.

Backstory: About his Brother/Guardian

Shizuno's older brother, Michiya Sakushi, is a 23 year old Civilian as a bartender in an infamous bar as. He has raised him all on his own ever since he was 13, Shizuno was 7 at the time, after being involved in a tragic accident that took their parents from them. The two bounced from home to home in Foster Care due to their poor attitude towards others. However when Michiya turned 16 he was told by the system that if they both didnt clean up their act soon, they would most likely be seperated.

Michiya decided then and there that he couldnt trust the System to take care of them anymore, and that he would care for both of them from then on. To start off he lucked out" and managed a lack lustre minimum wage cashier job at a convenience store. The kind hearted owner let them both live above the store for little to no rent. He spent the next 4 years supporting and raising Shizuno, all while barely graduating from high school. Once he became 20, he and his brother moved put to a much better above bar apartment, in hopes that Michiya could work as a bartender. Thankfully the bar owner graciously hired him, and hes been working there ever since.

Michiya never really had any dreams of a grand future for himself, and very much enjoyed his current lifestyle. Despite the fact that he mainly is focused on keeping his troublemaker sibling outta constant problematic situations, he fully supports Shizuno's dreams of being a Hero's Sidekick. Even if he doesnt fully understand his drive or reasoning for doing so.

Backstory: About Himself, Homelife

Shizuno wasn't always a quiet kid growing up, he actually used to be very rambunctious and outgoing! Unfortunately due to the accident, his quiet nature originated as a trauma response to having lost both his parents and nearly losing his brother as well as his own life. The tragedy left a lasting scar, both physically and psychologically on Shizuno's life.

Originally from Hokkaido, when they were first forcibly placed into the Tokyo Foster Care System, Shizuno wasnt speaking much at the time due to the recent events. This caused many issues with all the Foster Parents he and Michiya ended up with, due to him coming off as "rude, insubordinate, childish (he was 7-) and cold." Due to his attitude towards any new foster parents, Shizuno and Michiya were returned to the system several times on the biases of "not fit for family life."

He tried to do better. He really, really tried. However, the expectations people placed on him as a small, seven year old child were far too much for him to handle. He became bitter, and cruel towards any potential foster care applicants. This was only partially one of the reasons why Michiya became so adamant on taking care of the two of them instead of staying in the system. He couldnt bare to see Shizuno becoming so jaded at such a young age. When Shizuno was 10 and they finally got out of the system, it took months to almost a year for Shizuno to start to open up again. Reverting to his old, happy out going self was a very slow going process; Michiya did everything in his power to help his little brother return to his former self. Finally, they were able to live again, even if it was in borderline poverty.

Due to their living situations not being the greatest, Shizuno NEVER asked for anything in the years Michiya was his Parental Guardian. He never asked for toys, games, or even new school supplies unless he desperately needed them. They lived paycheque to paycheque on Michiya's minimum wage salary, so Shizuno felt that he had no claim to any of it, not even when Michiya finally got a well paying job. Because of this, Shizuno has very little materialistic items, and only got a cellphone once he entered Middle School. This was only due to the fact that Shizuno started his own part time job after school hours to have savings for the future, as he didnt want to bother his older brother. Unfortunately for Michiya, Shizuno inherited his mischevious nature and is an incredible liar, so he never found out about his part time work until he entered Highschool when he had to come clean about it-

Thankfully for Michiya, his younger brothers first job was a lot better than his first ever job. It paid several dollars above minimum wage due to his specific part time hours being the most hectic time for the business, and was a cutesy, very homey cat cafe workplace. The only silly thing he laughed at was every Friday, Shizuno and all his coworkers are made to where cat ears.

About Himself: Personality/Behaviours/Body

Unfortunately due to growing up on the poverty line, Shizuno is underweight for his age group by a fair amount, and his body has difficulty keeping on fat/mass easily. He never blamed this on their lack of income or ever implied it was Michiya's fault for the way he's turned out, he just tries to make the best of whats happened. Since Shizuno is very thin/lean, and he really wants to achieve his dream of being a Hero's Sidekick, he rigoriously trains his body daily as best as he can. He's not super toned in the slighest, but he has been able to keep up a bit more weight than usual thanks to his persistence. Its not much, just a handful of pounds, but it makes all the more difference to him.

Due to his training infact, Shizuno is quite flexible and is capable of doing many different moves/techniques. However, this doesnt mean that Shizuno LIKES training those kind of moves even if they help keep up his body mass/weight. He knows not to slack off and that the training is necessary, but sometimes he wishes he could skip some days. He doesn't out right hate the training, and there are a lot of different parts he loves about it; some positions, like holding certain poses for prolonged amounts of time, are the ones he dislikes the most.

Something Shizuno is VERY adamant about however, is doing all of his training in seclusion or alone. This is due to the fact that a majority of his body is covered in scars from the accident they were in. His arms, legs, and chest are the most covered areas, with a minimal few sections on his forehead/cheek. Shizuno hates these scars on his body, as theyre just a reminder of the day he and Michiya's lives were turned upside down forever. He hates seeing them, so much so that he changed the way he dressed and looked in order to keep them out of sight at all times. Not even Michiya has been able to get him to open up or learn to accept his scars/past, he can be very stubborn about many things. Even going so far as to have very specific clothing for certain types of weather/seasonal changes that cater to each scenario (gotten with his own money, as he viewed it as a "personal issue" he alone should deal with) because he will wear sweaters in June if he must.

Story will continue is a WIP