Agile Secauda [Open Species]




Species Status


Name Pronunciation

Seh-kaw-duh or Seh-coo-duh

Scientific Name

Sedatio-cauda Agilis (Agile Calming-tail)




Nitrous Oxide/ Happy Gas


50-80 years

Size (Length)

Medium- Large (1-10m or 3-33ft)


Usually social, in packs of 3 or more

Active times

Usually around dawn and dusk (Crepuscular)

Info last updated on

6th of June 2023

These are fast medium sized creatures that produce nitrous oxide used for calming and distracting their prey.

Relatives/ species related to them

Long-tailed Secaudas

Pygmy Secaudas (will be made one day)

Afnis and Afnios are also distantly related to them


They're usually found around large bodies of water or in rainforests and other areas with moisture in the air. Often prefer areas with thick foliage.


Hunting can be done in various ways but often involves packs going after prey larger than themselves together. They jump onto the prey and attempt to drag them down, while also using their gas if needed to calm them down. Though some may exclusively use their gas to avoid injury.



They have sharp canid teeth at the front and usually 8 wide blade-like teeth near the back of their mouths (based on thylacoleos teeth).


Gas is released from a few different areas on their bodies, depending on the individual. Most often it is near the tip of their tails, due to them being partially affected by the gas if breathed in. Other areas include the mouth, head and neck.

If needed they can hold their breath and close their nostrils to avoid the gas. They rely on their gas much less than the long-tailed species, opting for strength instead.


Can have many different tail types of various lengths. Often being thin and medium in length to enable them to run faster. Some tail tips are disguised as plants or flowers to aid in hunting as well.


The frills are often used for intimidation and confusing other creatures. Some may have bold colours and patterns on their frills to aide in that too


These may help them blend in more with their environment, they look like sticks or plant roots. They're also used for protection and fighting.

Other features/abilities

-Can swim relatively well

-Body temperature is controlled through their environment

-Night vision and underwater vision

-Can hold their breathe for up to 30-40 minutes


As a result from the high amount of radiation in the world all species are able to reproduce asexually or with any individual of the same species. Most secaudas still choose to have a partner or multiple though.

Secaudas are hatched from eggs like other reptiles and usually have 4-10 per clutch.

They lay their eggs in either holes or mounds that they make near water, and guard them until they hatch. After hatching they continue looking after them for 1-5 years or more. Adulthood is reached at around 15-16 years.

--Radiation levels--

They can be categorised by their radiation levels. The higher the level the brighter they can glow (at night) and more features they can have.

If their level drops for an extended period of time the features they developed may shrink or morph back to how they were.

Here's a list/table of known possible features-

Main FeaturesLow RadiationMedium RadiationHigh RadiationVery High Radiation
Horns0-4 small-medium horns0-6 small-large horns2-8 small-large horns3-12 small- large horns
GlowLow or no glowLow-medium glowMedium-bright glowMedium-very bright glow
Body coveringScaled and/or furredScaled and/or furredScaled and/or furred/ featheredScaled and/or furred/feathered
Head/mouth shapeSquare/rectangular, round, triangularSquare/rectangular, round, triangularSquare/rectangular, round, triangularSquare/rectangular, round, triangular, other
Teeth/fangsUpward or downward facingUpward or downward facingUpward or downward facing, tusks and or multiple (up to 4)Upward or downward facing, tusks and or multiple (up to 6)
EarsCan have none or small earsCan have small-medium earsCan have small-large earsCan have small- large ears
Tails1- Scaled and/or furred1-3- Scaled and/or furred1-5- Scaled and/or furred/ feathered 1-10- Scaled and/or furred
Feet/handsReptilian or paw-likeReptilian or paw-likeReptilian, paw, bird, hooves, dinosaurBird, paws, hooves, insect/arachnid, dinosaur and more
Height (Head to toes)35-45cm (13.8-17.7in)30-60cm (11.8-23.6in)25-70cm (9.8-27.6in)20-80cm (7.9-31.5in)
Optional FeaturesLow RadiationMedium RadiationHigh RadiationVery High Radiation
CasqueNone or smallNone, small or mediumNone, small, medium or largeNone or Any size/shape
Extra limbsNo No Can have two extra limbsCan have 2-4 extra limbs
Extra headNoNoNo Yes
WingsNoNoCan have slightly wing-like limbsYes
Extra eyes, ears, mouthsNoNoCan have 2 extra eyes and/or earsYes
Skull headNoNoYesYes 
Plant growthsNoNoYesYes
Angler lightNoYes, but is the only body part that can glowYes Yes 

(Table link)

I'll make some examples of their features eventually too.

Relationships with other species

Long-tailed Secaudas

A closely related species. Usually friendly to one another


A distantly related species Don’t interact very often, not many afnis live around large water bodies


Don’t interact very often, not many afnios live around large water bodies


Depending on the size they can either be a predator or prey to secaudas


Occasionally prey on them, not too much though as they are affected by their venom. Usually just find them annoying


Rarely interact, don’t live in the same areas most of the time 

-------------------Making your own--------------------

You're free to make as many as you'd like and be as creative as you want with them too. As long as their features are close to those featured in the table above, they should be fine!

I've made a customizable base too, if you'd like to use it.

--Base links--

DeviantArt- Customizable base

Google drive folder- Individual simple bases

Feel free to message me or comment if you have any questions or suggestions too!

And if you make one here let me know, I'd love to see it!

(Credit to this person for the ideas for their design too)

Other species