MV-Style Animation Comms ๐ŸŽถ



11 months, 13 days ago
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Hello! Makku here!

Long time no post! Or any contact at all, for that matter! :'D First and foremost, I would like to sincerely apologize to those who are expecting artwork from me (specifically, the remaining two raffle winners!). Fear not, I haven't at all forgotten! I've recently started college (yay!), and I've been absolutely flooded with tasks and homework lately (T-T ) I promise that I'm still very much doing the best I can to get to any owed artwork or delayed messages I might have! And please don't hesitate to DM me at any time if you'd like to ask about progress (or anything else!)

Speaking of homework, here's a tiny lyric video I was tasked to do in After Effects! It's pretty choppy since we were only given a few days heh heh (and because I have absolutely no clue how After Effect's camera is supposed to work so everything is out of focus hehheuh). If enough people are interested, I might think about opening lyric video commissions (character drawing and animation included ofc [โ—ยด๏ธถ๏ฝ€โ—]). Not right now though, since I still have to finish the aforementioned owed artwork..!

Feel free to comment below if you might be interested!

Until next time ~