


1 year, 11 days ago








23 (in human years)


Swedish Vallhund




4th April











Katya is a Swedish Vallhund. She loves cold temperatures and feels really bad in warmer climates. Katya is kinda patient, but sometimes she may act impulsively.

Despite having short legs, she has a lot of stamina and can run for hours.

Her personality traits are: impulsive, shy, easly distracted, loyal, honest, caring, understanding.

Her interests are: biology, nature, photography, philosophy.


  • Her hair is the longest on the front and gets shorter going backwards.
  • Her 3 outfits were based on my own.
  • Her tail is always curled up.
  • Her fur is the fluffiest on her neck and chest.



Katya was born in a mountain village somewhere in the Norway, but when she became adult she ran away from her mentally abusive family. She wandered through mountains and fjords wondering if her escape was worth it - she didin't know what to do and had nowhere to go. This caused existential crisis in her. Katya felt horrible with herself and wandered thorugh wilds aimlessly. She had nothing better to do.

When she was sad and resting on a random fjord a wild dog approached her. He wanted to talk with her and introduced himself as Ernest. Katya was surprised but engaged in conversation with him and ejoyed it very much. They decided to meet again at this place every day. Katya found a cave nearby where she was able to live. She really liked him as a person and wanted to get to know him better. Katya had no idea that Ernest was popular in his back, but even knowing this wouldn't change her approach towards him. When winter snow had finally thawed out, Ernest gave her a small mountain flower to celebrate. They became attached to each other more and more. Some weeks after, they became a couple. This made them both overjoyed. Some time after, Ernest invited Katya to join his pack - he became a leader recently, because the older one had retired. She became much happier with him.


Katya was born in north of Norway, but she moved to Oslo to run away from her family. She was 20 years old in that time and rented a house in a calm neighborhood. Katya was very anxious, she didin't knew anyone in this city and was trying to figure things out. She still hasn't emotionally moved from trauma she got from her family. Katya started going out to better know her city - sometimes she sat on a bench and observed her surroundings. She doesn't check the news at all, because for her it's pointless and she prefers to do her own things in the meantime. Katya managed to find a job as a photographer. She is quite shy but usually warms up to her clients when they are around for some time. Biology and nature are her interests.

Before Katya found her job she had an existential crisis - she felt worthless and that she wouldn't achieve anything in her life. She went to the local park but had to sit on a bench to calm her emotions. A stranger came by and sat next to her, trying to engage her in conversation. She was startled at first, but warmed up pretty quickly and ejoyed talking to him very much and felt better after. The stranger was named Ernest. He said that if she still needed to talk, she could come to his house. Katya was surprised when she realised that they live right next to each other - she wasn't paying many attention to her neighbors and was in her thoughts the whole time when moving. When she was talking online to her only friend and mentioned meeting Ernest and described how he looks, her friend told her that she saw someone very simillar on tv. Katya looked it up and was surprised that this was actually him, she didin't cared though - she liked him as a person before knowing about his fame and money. The next day she visited him because she liked his company. They visited each other every day and started to know each other even better. On Valentine's Day Ernest gave her a box of her favorite chocolates. They started becoming even closer, appreciating each other more and more. After few weeks, Ernest asked her if she would like to be his girlfriend and Katya gladly agreed. When he moved out from his parents home, he invited Katya to live with him together. They gave each other a lot of support. Ernest liked being a model so Katya offered to shoot some photos with him - she managed to find her job few weeks after meeting him and developed better photography skills. Sometimes Katya keeps Ernest company on his walks.


She met him after moving away from her home. They became friends and later a couple. She loves him with her whole heart.





  • Photography
  • Biology
  • Candles
  • Cold temperatures
  • Frutti di Mare chocolates
  • Baked fish
  • Tea
  • Iced coffee
  • Mountains


  • Hot temperatures
  • Shallow people
  • Being overwhelmed
  • Too many responsibilities
  • Children
  • Bitter food
  • Pointless dramas
  • Rude people
  • Social media


  • She loves taking photos of nature and her boyfriend the most.
  • While not an expert, she has some knowledge about biology.
  • She know various facts about animals and plants and will gladly share them when asked.
  • She likes to cook, but prefers when someone else does it.
  • Her favorite color is blue.
  • She likes to cook, but prefers when someone else does it.

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