


10 months, 26 days ago


Randal (Rando) Dovese 

Age: 21 

Gender: Male 

Appearance: Short grey hair, styled upwards from under his cap, which he wears backwards. Deep purple eyes. Somewhat tall, sporty-looking 

Personality: Rando is a pretty straight-forward person, he has a relaxed personality and is pretty flexible. He tries moving on from his mistakes and doesn't like the feeling of being judged not rejected; so he tries his best not to make assumptions about people before knowing them, but sometimes he slips on this. He's very fond of poison types, he has't realized that's because of himself being rejected as a kid/teen and he feels poison types deserve more sympathy too. He often tries helping around as he takes helping as a repay or a way to make amends with the community for his Rocket years, but also gets he can't help everyone and doesn't take it on his back to do so. 

Sexuality: Demisexual 

Pokemon Team:+ Venonat (F, Adamant nature) + Muk (F, Quirky nature) + Weezing (F, Lax nature) + Cubone (M, Hasty nature) 

Type of Trainer: Trainer, former Rocket Grunt 

Clothes: Purple jacket with lime green details, dark green shorts and dark purple tennis shoes. Wears his Team Rocket cap backwards. 

Likes: Poison types, spicy food, pokemon contests, TMs/HMs 

Dislikes: Being looked down at, being judged, sour foods 

(I can only think of random facts about his team, sorry xP)

-Venonat ofter escapes her pokeball, but she's not always outside it 

-Grimer and Koffing are super friends, sometimes more of a mafia  

-Cubone is like a little brother to them all -Venonat doesn't like shinies in general 

-Rando has the "silly goal" of collecting every single poison TM/HM, but he keeps trading the ones he gets to other trainers 

-Unpopular opinion: Poison types make good contest combinations! (Disagree and he will fight you... )


Loooong backstory

As a kid Randy was somewhat reluctant about getting a pokemon as his family didn't have any. That kept him from having lots of friends, but he did just fine. He encountered a troublesome pokemon once in Pokemon School, a mischievous Venonat that brought him some trouble with other kids, but in the end the Venonat got fond of Randy and in a 'why not' accepted to be captured by him. The boy started his pokemon journey a bit late, but didn't miss the full experience, getting his pokemon stolen by Team Rocket and everything! Determined to get Venonat back he folowed some grunts into the Rocket HQ and managed to slip past almost everyone, but once he found the stolen pokemon he was discovered and -oddly enough- offered a spot. He wasn't sure at first, but man is Giovanni good with words and deals.

Upon finishing his training he got handed a Koffing and a Grimer as additions to his team. He did pretty good at his job fighting, capturing and occasionaly stealing pokemon, and he didn't put much thought into it. Until one night his squad got assigned with stealing pokemon from the contest hall, where an old friend's shiny Vaporeon was. Randal tried stealing it back, but got cauht and fired from Team Rocket as a result. He returned the Vaporeon, and helped getting the rest of the contest pokemon back.

This friends encouraged Rando to start anew in Goldenrod City, where he helped him rent a room. He left his pokemon-stealing days behind and tried avoiding Team Rocket... after one last time when he bumped into a couple of grunts carrying an injured Cubone. One of them recognized Randal and picked up a fight, but Rando's team had gotten better with the years and he managed to defeat them, even after they sent out the Cubone as a last resort. Outraged, they fled, leaving the poor ground type on the floor. Rando couldn't believe them, but also couldn't say he was at all that surprised either. He took the small Cubone to a Pokemon Center and then attempted to return it to the cage where he encountered it the first time, but it kept following him around and Rando decided to take it as part of his team.

Randal stayed with Venonat, Muk, Weezing and Cubone on his side, living in Goldenrod and visiting the towns nearby. He started a little collection of TMs and HMs, building up a small reputation of his own between trainers as he traded and sold them. He got into contests after watching his friend participate in some with his shiny vaporeon, who taught him a thing or two about them. He doesn't plan on partaking on one anytime soon tho, as he fears being rejected because of his past, and doesn't think he's that good anyways.