๐Ÿ‡ Rigel | The Uncaged



1 year, 3 months ago


Rigel (riหgษ›l) Tirayan
20.08.1990. / โ™Œ๏ธ
she/her (ona/jej)
german shepherd

"All you can change is yourself, but sometimes that changes everything."

The Uncaged


๐Ÿ‡ ENTJ | ambivert | choleric

๐Ÿ‡ workaholic; rather closed to relationships

๐Ÿ‡ resolute; values freedom & liberty

๐Ÿ‡ inaccessible; firm, but also mostly cultural at the same time

๐Ÿ‡ often sarcastic & rather arrogant

๐Ÿ‡ hard with words, but avoids force & physical contact, unless she truly wants to dominate someone (usually a person she trusts & find attractive)


  • turtlenecks
  • heels
  • slim, elegant, dark & alternative clothes
  • aggressive phonk music
  • lavender
  • long & hot baths
  • makeup
  • flavoured e-cigaretts
  • rose gold add-ons

  • when she's publicly accused or blamed for mistakes
  • children (but is fine with some childish/innocent-like behaviours in adults)
  • incompetence
  • disobiedience
  • sour food

  • business woman
  • dominant mommy
fav food

  • grape/mango soda
  • strong black tea
  • avocado
  • red beans mochi
  • blueberry sweets
  • milk alcohol drinks
  • white chocolate with cinnamon sugar crisps

  • height / weight - 189cm / ~100kg
  • timeline & universe - Kestea planet; Xernar
  • voice


  • has Australian accent
  • she was obese as a child (and that's why others laughed at her), in her late teens she began to take better care of herself & managed to lose a lot of weight (also lost weight due to stress); because of this, her skin is sagging in some places and has visible stretch marks
  • suffered from dysphoria since childhood and persuaded her parents to take puberty blockers so that she could start taking estrogen sooner; however, she doesn't want to undertake any operations, because she doesn't feel the lack of breasts (although thanks to hormones, they grew slightly anyway) or dysphoria of the genitals; she thinks she can be feminine enough without it (in general, she doesn't feel that she has to be feminine, because it's enough for her to just know who she is - has good passing tho)
  • random moles on the body (keep the one under the right eye)
  • has golden fang implant (lost her one in school accident)

  • Rigel is beta star from Orion constellation
  • This OC is kinda therapeutic one because she's actually the first character that fully identifies as a female. In theory, I never decided not to create such one, but I didn't expect it to happen so soon, mainly because of how I associate femininity - dysphoria and trauma do their job. That's why most of my OCs are rather masculine or at least nonbinary. I made Rigel someone who feels like a woman, although she doesn't necessarily need to manifest it in all possible ways. She knows it and that's enough for her. I wonder how it feels. Will I ever be able to feel that too? Who knows. It would certainly be more comfortable and less painful. For now, I'm glad that at least I can distance myself a bit from some things and I don't have a gag reflex when I see anything feminine (it still reminds me of what I hate about myself, but I'm learning not to avoid people/OCs who are ok with fem features).

  • So why is she trans? Why did I make a character that was born a guy, which I prefer, and I took that away from her by giving her traits I'd avoided for so long? In general, I think trans people who are not ashamed of being trans, are more often braver and do a lot more to be themselves than cis people. And I don't think cis people are worse or anything, but they are born with the privilege of living in peace, at least in terms of who they are (apart from any other possible reasons that might make their lives difficult, but I'm not talking about that here.) Dysphoria is a b*tch and whoever chooses to fight it, is a hero in my eyes, as well as people fighting cancer, disorders & any other problems they didn't choose to have. I wanted to give Rigel that strength, and that's what allowed me to create her. This particular feature.

works as pharmacy network CEO

bipolar affective disorder

She was problematic, stubborn & not very agreeable since she was a child, but the disorder wasn't diagnosed until early in college, when she was most stressed - she had no time for anything, only studying, being the class mayor, tutoring in English, sometimes sleeping. Over time, she began to slowly give up extracurricular activities and focus only on her studies. Was attending a few therapies in her early 20s, but some features are still visible - mostly mood swings between feeling very self-confident, powerful (extrovert/manic phase), & exhausted, almost destroyed by nonsense of life (introvert/depression phase). Has learned kinda unhealthy mechanism of desensitizing herself to her mood - often focuses on work, goals, managing people, so that negative thoughts can't even enter her head, but doesn't always succeed - then she's distraught & has aggression attacks, blaming everything around her. After all, she acts as if nothing happened. This is why a lot of furs don't like her, but she's good at her job & also helpful when she's at her peak, so they consider her disorder the lesser evil. After all, at least she can anticipate many of her mood swings and withdraw from social situations in time. She's aware of what it looks like & how it makes her life difficult, but she finds it hard to believe that she could find a good therapist, and so far she's not looking for a new one. She's not evil by nature, but she can't handle herself in a healthy way, so she tries to focus on the rest of her character & take advantage of those good moments, because at the moment she's in a manic phase many more times than before, when there were more depression phases.

Ash colleague & friend


Betelgeza sister
