
Nyx is a radiant and spirited individual, embodying a vibrant presence within her family. As the biological child of Ganondorf and Eliora, she carries within her the legacy of her parents while also forging her own path. Nyx's upbringing under the care of her parents has instilled in her a sense of curiosity and an insatiable thirst for knowledge.

Nyx's youthful enthusiasm and boundless energy breathe new life into her family dynamic. Her infectious laughter and playful nature bring joy to those around her, often serving as a source of lightness in challenging times. Despite the weight of her parentage, Nyx embraces her own individuality and seeks to make her mark on the world in her unique way.

With her insatiable thirst for knowledge, Nyx approaches life with an open mind and a hunger for exploration. She is constantly seeking new experiences and eager to learn from the world around her. Nyx's inquisitive nature often leads her on adventures, uncovering hidden truths and unearthing hidden depths within herself and others.

Nyx's genuine and empathetic nature allows her to connect effortlessly with people from all walks of life. She possesses a natural ability to see the best in others, offering a nonjudgmental and accepting presence. Nyx's kindness and compassion have a way of making people feel seen and understood, as she genuinely cares for the well-being of those around her (Just before what Ganondorf does causes her to no longer be trusted)

In addition to her radiant and spirited nature, Nyx is also incredibly down to earth and chill. Despite her exceptional lineage and the weight of her parentage, she remains humble and approachable. Nyx effortlessly exudes a sense of calm and ease, making those around her feel comfortable and at ease. Her grounded nature allows her to appreciate the simple pleasures in life and to find joy in the present moment. Nyx's down-to-earth demeanor serves as a reminder that even those with extraordinary abilities can find solace and contentment in the ordinary.

While she may not possess the same level of power and strategic prowess as her siblings, Nyx brings her own unique strengths to the trio. Her optimism and unwavering belief in the inherent goodness of people provide a counterbalance to the darker forces at play. Nyx's presence serves as a reminder to embrace hope and to find beauty even in the most unexpected places.

As the youngest member of the family, Nyx looks up to her elder sisters, Twyla and Mirai, for guidance and support. She admires Twyla's intelligence and cunning and respects Mirai's determination and resilience. Nyx's presence infuses their bond with a sense of youthful wonder and joy, reminding them of the importance of embracing life's adventures with an open heart.

Deep down, Nyx possesses a burning desire to leave a positive impact on the world. She aspires to use her unique gifts and inherited lineage to bring about change and foster unity. As she embarks on her journey alongside her sisters, Nyx's infectious spirit and unwavering optimism become a beacon of light, inspiring those around her to embrace their true selves and find the courage to follow their own paths.


After over 10,000 years have passed, Nyx's once radiant and spirited nature begins to wane, as her heart becomes burdened with the weight of repeated heartbreak and disappointment. The vibrant presence she once embodied within her family starts to fade, replaced by a neutral and emotionless facade.

Gone are the infectious laughter and boundless energy that used to bring joy to those around her. Nyx now finds it difficult to express happiness or find solace in the simplest of pleasures. Her genuine smile and playful nature become rare occurrences, replaced by a perpetual neutral look that hides the depth of her pain.

Despite her stoic outward appearance, Nyx's internal struggles become evident when she is alone. In the solitude of her own company, she is seen crying, her tears a testament to the crushing weight of her shattered heart. The pain she feels is constant, as her only remaining emotions seem to be an endless cycle of pain and heartbreak.

With each failed relationship, Nyx's hope diminishes, leaving her feeling disconnected from her own desires and aspirations. The once insatiable thirst for knowledge and desire to make her mark on the world now feels like a distant dream. The spark of curiosity that once drove her on adventures fizzles out, overshadowed by the overwhelming pain she carries within.

Nyx's empathetic nature remains intact, but the repeated heartbreak has taken its toll. She finds it challenging to connect with others on a deeper level or trust in the goodness of people. The once nonjudgmental and accepting presence becomes guarded, as she struggles to believe in the possibility of true love and friendship.

Though Nyx's journey has taken a toll on her, deep within her still resides the burning desire to make a positive impact on the world. She longs to find a way to heal her broken heart and to rekindle the lightness that once radiated from her. Nyx understands that the path to healing may be long and challenging, but she holds onto the flicker of hope that one day she will find joy and love again

Extra Info:

- Nyx is 6 foot and 9 inches (205cm) tall when she's 17 years old

- During Link getting the Spiritual Stones, she's 3 years old. When Link defeats her father (Ganondorf), she's 10 years old (OoT)

- She occasionally enters the Sacred Realm to spend time with her father, who is sealed there, alongside with approval of the Sages. Sometimes, Eliora, Mirai or Twyla joins her as well. (OoT, Adult/Fallen Timeline)

- But she starts distancing herself from her parents after what they did. But she has a habit to talk about them, and then feel disgusted when she does talk about them (BoTW/ToTK)

- Nyx's favourite gemstone is sapphire

- Even though she's a pure Gerudo, Nyx also has an abnormally long lifespan due to having demon and dragon blood running through her veins

- She learnt how to use magic from Eliora and Ganondorf

- Ganondorf shows a completely different side to Eliora, Nyx, Twyla and Mirai, though he doesn't show to anyone else (that is feeling genuine joy, sadness and love)

- Nyx's fingers and toes have the same colour skin as Ganondorf's. She thinks that she may become half demon one day, but it hasn't happened yet

- She left not for the search for a husband, but she didn't want to be around her parents anymore

- Her name would been Orpheus if she was born as a boy

- She was born before Ganondorf claims the Triforce of Power/Secret Stone