


1 year, 3 months ago



Sex/Gender: Cis girl

Age: 149

Magic type: Steam

Place of residence: Everkeep

Occupation: Humanshifting trader

Personality traits: Annie is a bit of a grouch, it is quite difficult to decipher her emotions due to her resting bitchface and deadpan tone of voice. To the untrained eye, she can seem even quite mean, while it absolutely is not the case. She's pretty active in the community when she isn't on duty, using her strength to help out in the main hall and organizing the goods to be traded with the humans from Oakenbay. She uses her magic very little, since she's rather disappointed in not having something as useful as fire or even just air to be able to fly faster. Steam is only useful to her when she needs to get away from the human village and hide her tracks better in a huge cloud of fog. Annie when on duty in Oakenbay switches entirely on an all-business mode, acting as a bit of a barrier in between the humans and the taranrou traders, given her size in her humanshifted form. She finds them annoying and noisy for no reason, and rather too curious for their own good at times, so she prefers to keep an eye out for the first-timer taranrou traders, so that none of them slip up. As smooth as this trading truce that they have, she'd rather prefer that neither party got too comfortable, given how slimy and fearful humans can get at times. Annie's got plenty of practise sniffing out good deals, coaching other taranrous towards the right direction to take on the market and in turn, being sure that her offer is the final one, whether the other party likes it or not. It's not like they have many other sources for Runestone, now, do they?