
Height: 5'6"

Age: 19 (Late 50's Mentally)

Powers: Dark Magic user. Extreme durability, defensive and offensive spells, mind control/hypnosis, astral projection of her other half (Maxxine), teleportation, minor reality warping, healing factor (CAN replace body parts), clairvoyance, telekinesis, etc.

Maxxine "Maxx" Pellegrini, a punk student attending Rosenberry High School that went through a series of unanticipated events!

The Witch Goddess Hekate had decided to bestow her duties upon an heir at random, and poor ol' Maxx got the short end of the stick.

Now "blessed" with the dark powers of the moon goddess, she serves as the chosen new ruler of the Dark Realm, carrying out the goddess's final wish: the unification of her realm and ours. Knowing damn well doing something like that will bring ruin to all civilization on Earth as we know it.

There is a catch! Maxx has to say the word "Eclipse" to have possession of these powers. She turns into Obsidia, the evil sorceress who is constantly at odds with our heroine, Pow Girl!

If Obsidia says the word herself, she reverts back to Maxx. They are two different personalities inhabiting the same body!