
Height: 5'7"

Age: 28

Abilities: Has mastered several fighting styles. Bõjutsu, Jeet Kun Doe, Taekwondo, BJJ, Aikido, Wing Chun, Kickboxing, Karate, etc. A genius level intellect due to years and years of studying and knowledge seeking. IQ of 205. Peak fighting condition, stamina, durability, and agility. Suit is comprised of specialized polyfabric designed to serve as stab proof and light bulletproof protection. Helmet is completely bulletproof and can also function as a respirator. Gives her an advanced view of her surroundings using the visual technology inside it. Able to speak 5 languages, including Spanish, English, French, Mandarin, and Russian.

Born during the Superhero Boom of the 90's, Melissa Ramos is the daughter of billionaire CEO of Hawkdive Corp., Diego Ramos. Hawkdive is the nation's leading military and defense contractor for their deterrent weaponry against rogue superhumans or villains.

Her mother is quite the celebrity as well, but not for the same reasons as her father. Kathy Anderson was the aunt of Megan Anderson, also known as POW GIRL! 

Despite the risks of associating with anyone of that family name, Diego married her and had two daughters: Melissa and Angela.

Growing up in such a pampered life, Melissa and her sister never would've thought that they'd be victims of any crime or malice, so long as the superheroes they admired were around.

Unfortunately, due to the events surrounding the last POW GIRL (Laura Summers) in 2016 and growing tensions between foreign superhero programs, superheroes began to undergo a mass forced retirement. The powers of many of them, stripped by the same government that supplied them.

It was late at night, as a young Melissa was returning home from a movie that she and her sister went to see with some friends. She had started to become more of a delinquent in her behavior, as Angela kept insisting they stay with their friends rather then take the "shortcut" back home that Melissa was going through in the city alleyways.

This fateful night, however, the girls were cornered and kidnapped by the demented VOLTMASTER. Melissa screamed for help...but the heroes they had worshipped were gone now. Replaced with an understaffed force of rookies...

For weeks, VOLTMASTER had held them for ransom, demanding millions of dollars from their parents as they went through a torturous experience. They were electrocuted endlessly, as inside Melissa a burning willpower began to form. Throughout their captivity, she stayed strong for her sister, even as the torture had permanently damaged the nerves on Angela's legs.

The day they were freed, a rookie hero had found them, dispatching VOLTMASTER'S cronies before taking on the fiend himself. In an act Melissa would never forget, the hero sacrificed himself to make sure the two girls escaped to safety.

Melissa had never forgotten the helplessness and suffering the two of them went through. The sacrifice of the hero that had saved them. The rage at a government that had forced those same heroes into giving up their powers. Seeing her sister now going through her own struggles in a wheelchair as they grew up drove her to begin training in several combative fighting styles and reaching genius levels of intellect for a newfound goal...

Never again would a situation like hers happen to another child. After her mother's passing and father's retirement, she took her place as the new CEO of Hawkdive. Using the vast resources of her company and her engineering brilliance, she now patrols the streets of New York as the vigilante known as:



He is still at large. And Melissa's hunt has only begun...