
6 years, 6 days ago



They help each other in their job and perhaps even rely upon each other quite heavily. They can't even do their jobs on their own and require the other to help make sure that it is successful

Saturna was an accident, created by Jupiter collecting too much stardust at one time and from that Saturna was one of the stars that appeared from his footsteps, first appearing as a shooting star and then transforming into a fennec fox

Dtardust is used to guide souls by light or calms them. Can turn souls into stars together

Have very complimentary personalities

Both are pretty sweet and kind. Saturna is more stern or serious; no one takes her seriously because of her size, and looks to Jupiter for confirmation(this drives her crazy), while Jupiter is more playful and a bit clumsy at times. Jupiter probably tries to make her smile and laugh when she's being stern and is quite playful, even when they're working

"Work from the shadows" - If you see them they're either a lucky sign or an omen

When Saturna is startled she turns into a shooting star and flies upward really quickly and then returns to fox form to slowly float back down to the ground

Jupiter loves sparkly things, and is easily distracted by them