


11 months, 29 days ago


Defend your clan, even with your life
Name Crescentfall

Former Names  Dewkit

Gender Cis male (He/Him)

Orientation Homosexual

Mentor Thornsnap

Rank Warrior

Residence Juniperclan


Crescentfall is a battle-scarred tom with a dark grey tabby pelt that sticks up in odd places from where his skin is littered with scars. His fur is mostly short apart from the longer tufts that frame his broad head and down his chest. The most prominent scars are his torn ears, the large torn skin on his left forearm, and the crescent shaped scar that wraps around his left eye. The attacks that caused the dramatic scars also left Crescentfall with a permanetly dilated eye.

Design notes
  • Crescentfall is loosely based on a charcoal bengal.
  • His stripes can be drawn not entirely accurate, as long as they look close enough

Crescentfall was raised with one core rule: His role in life is to be a warrior. He was born to fight and serve his clan, and that his end goal is to rise in the ranks as one of the best protectors he can be. If he were to give anything but his all, that is considered a failure in his eyes. His dedication to his clan has led him to avoid advancing his social skills in favor of committing himself to work instead. Crescentfall will be the first to tell another cat when he is tired of talking to them or when he finds them annoying. It doesn't gain him many friends, but that doesn't bother him. At least, that's what he's convinced himself to believe.

Many other cats within and outside his clan view him as a cat more prone to violence. In truth, Crescentfall would like to solve more problems with words rather than his claws. However when he is in the presence of his clan-mates who expect him to join and fight alongside them he is easy to fall into their peer pressure. Their respect towards him always manages to win over his desire for peace. This isn't to say he's a pushover. He simply craves the acceptance and respect of cats with more authority over him.

  • Climbing
  • Sparring
  • Bird Hunting
  • Rainy Weather
  • Cowardice
  • The Cold











Herb Knowledge






Faith in StarClan


Crescentfall was born as Dewkit to his mother, Chillstorm, and his father, Kestrelwing. Both of the senior warriors were much older than the usual pair to be having kits, but the two had been trying for many moons to have kits to no avail. Dewkit was their miracle, and they coddled him as much as they physically could. His childhood was relative normal, albeit even from a young age Dewkit felt like his parents treated him different because of their circumstances.

Once made Dewpaw, Chillstorm retired to the elders den due to the strain of kitting. His father followed her in the upcoming moons while he trained as well. Dewpaw's mentor, Thornsnap, was a tough warrior to please. She was a senior warrior who never allowed mistakes to fly. Thornsnap was there to teach him how to fight, how to hunt, and how to survive. Nothing more. Dewpaw adapted to her strict regiment quickly, and the two found a balance between them as the apprentice slowly grew into a capable warrior.

Before his warrior assessment took place, Dewpaw and his mentor were on a patrol that took them to the rocky cliffside of Juniperclan's territory. On this day, the cats ran into a pair of hungry coyotes who attacked them. In the assault Thornsnap was incapacitated and fatally wounded. Rather than retreat to safety, Dewpaw continued to fight to drag his mentor to somewhere out of the coyotes' reach. He pulled her into a crevice where the two of them barely squeezed in side by side and waited for any help to come. When they finally did, Thornsnap had passed, but Dewpaw clung onto life. When he was nursed back to health, he bore the horrible scars of the attack he survived. The blow to his eye was especially damaging, impairing his vision to a significant degree.

It took some time for him to rehabilitate after the attack, but as soon as he was cleared from the medicine den he was determined to set himself back on track to finishing his assessment. Seeing as he proved himself in battle against the coyotes and continued to show promise despite his newly gained disability, he was granted the ability to receive his warrior name. Before the ceremony took place, he requested to change his name to Crescent to honor the new scar he bore, both to prove it would not hinder his life and to remember that he gained it doing what he could to protect his mentor. He was allowed and was thusly named Crescentfall, as a reminder that no matter how far he may fall down that he had the strength to bring himself back up again.


  • Crescent — reference to the harrowing scar and experience he recieved from surviving a coyote attack
  • fall — to remind himself that no matter how far he may fall, it would never stop him from rising once again
  • When he became a warrior, Crescentfall spent most of his time taking care of his elderly parents as their health deteriorated. When they passed he lost any and all living kin
  • He is horribly so far in the closet and has yet to adress his feelings towards the same gender

Mentor, †

Crescentfall and his mentor had never been close, but he always respected her. In his eyes she was one of the greatest that Juniperclan had to offer. In their training sessions she never held back. She told him that he needed to put forth all of his energy into his clan and he took that lesson to heart. The pair was known to be sparring well into the late hours of the night.

More than anything, Thornsnap instilled the mindset in Crescentfall that his duty to his clan was the most important thing in his life. He was born to die for Juniperclan. Death and Sacrifice are the fate of every warrior in the clans.

Close Friend

After Crescentfall's coyote attack he spent many moons recovering. In that time, a young warrior by the name of Goldensun took the young apprentice under his wing. The two had never been very close before, but the warrior stuck by his side to help him re-learn how to walk and regain the skills he had spent so long training for. It was thanks to Goldensun's efforts that Crescentfall was able to so swiftly complete his warrior's assement. The two of them now, even though they may be polar opposites, remain close as friends. He might be Crescentfall's only true friend.


When the two cats were younger, they were friends as apprentices. They had never been super close, but they had always been known to stick together in a group. Crescentfall always thought she had been too wild and different than himself. More recently their two morals have clashed and caused them to drift apart. He's unsure whether she still wants to call him a friend or if he even wants to call her one either.


Crescentfall first met Sinew on their clan border where he was caught stealing prey and the two quickly got into a fight. Through a long series of events, the rogue wound up finding a way to grant entry into Juniperclan and asking to join them. This was something he was clearly against. In response to his distrust of the rogue, Juniperclan's leader seemed it fit to task Crescentfall with watching Sinew and overseeing his trials to be accepted into their clan. Neither of them are very pleased at this arrangement.

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