


6 years, 29 days ago



Full Name Naos
AKA Naos
Gender Genderless, he/him
Orientation Pan / Ace
Race Dark Matter
Alignment Lawful Evil
Main Canon Kirby
Creation Date May 2018
Aestethic WIP
Theme Wandering

"Please, don't mind me. I'm nothing interesting, I'm merely here to study."


  • Zero
  • stars
  • quiet


  • curiosity
  • loneliness
  • crowds


Naos acts very docile and nervous especially with new people. Once he's more comfortable he might start voicing his opinions more but he's very calculated. He never drops some of his nervous manners tough, such as fiddling with "hands" under his cloak. He is very wary of revealing his origins. He is afraid to die, as he's taken the future of his species as his responsibility. If he ever needs a break from his guise he makes absolutely sure no one else is around to see.

When tired, he tends to lean onto others and generally be close. This is a caused by his Dark Matter origin, as they tend to sleep huddled together. This is also enhanced by his loneliness, making him crave some sort of closeness.

Dark Matter are usually very good at recognizing others, even if they're possessing people. However due to his years of loneliness without any contact with his species, he's gotten bad at it. A guised Dark Matter won't be problematic for him as the energy (which is most likely only recognizable by other Dark Matter) radiating off them will be more "pure". But a posessed person would cause Naos some trouble since the energy is mixed. He will feel some familiarity, but won't be able to place it since he's also travelled a lot and thus met a lot of people.

Naos hates the phrase "sleep with one eye open", since he's heard it jokingly being said to him due to his nervous behavior too many times. That is one of the very few ways to get him truly aggrivated.

He is curious to learn about others' opinion on Dark Matter and Zero, but he keeps his own opinions well hidden. He takes criticism against them well, and if the situation calls for it can shit-talk his own species. Deep down he will always be on his own kind's side tough, and no matter how neutral he is he will always choose Zero's side if he manages to resurrect him once more.


Naos' true form is a very typical Dark Matter. His only somewhat distinct part is his red-tinted petals, but since there's some color variation between Dark Matter either way he wouldn't stand out within a group. In his guised form, his body is shaped like an upright oval, with a slight indent around the midsection. His head has three feathered potrusions at the back.

He constantly wears a grey cloak that's often tightly wrapped around him. It's decorated with a blue strip, that turns red where the hood starts. Naos wears a red scarf that's decorated with a single red bead around the cloak to keep it in place. Naos often wears the hood over his head to further hide his appearance, as he doesn't like taking any risks of being found out. When he's deemed his companions trustworthy he can keep it down, since it feels very stuffy to keep it on all the time.

Naos' voice is somewhat low, and carries a slight ominous tint to it. He speaks calm and slow.



Zero created Naos, then unnamed, sometime along Dreamland 3's storyline. He acted mainly as a scout, seeking out locations and people to posess and reporting back to Zero. He also took care of some minor enemy posession, but wasn't part of any bigger events.

Naos was there during Zero's first defeat. That's when he first encountered Gooey. He had heard of Zero's first attempt at a takeover through Swordsman, but the information about Gooey had evaded his ears. He was extremely confused over the small blue blob, as it felt like Dark Matter but wasn't on their side and apparently outside their connection. After Zero was struck down, Naos escaped with his life along with a few other Dark Matter. The small group of around 5 Dark Matter took shelter at an uninhabited planet for a while, just watching peace return to the universe. They pondered on what to do now, and eventually came to the conclusion that they would try reviving Zero. They somehow succeeded and Zero Two was created. Zero Two transformed the star into a dark star they could call home. His powers were very depleted having come back to life, so for a while his production of Dark Matter was low and he huddled with the existing Dark Matter a lot to regain energy.

Naos was once more sent to scout, and this time happened to be out during the decisive battle. He felt being cut loose from the bond that Dark Matter and Zero shared, and then he felt emotion for the first time in his life. It scared him, and he ran blindly, eventually plummeting into Dreamland. There he overheard the news that Zero Two had truly been defeated. Naos was lost on what to do and he felt really lonely. After sulking for a while, he decided he would find other surviving Dark Matter and find a way to revive Zero again. He was sure he wasn't the only one who had gotten away with his life.

To hide his identity as he suspected others wouldn't take kindly to him, he adopted the name Naos after the star he had been inspecting and took on a guised form. He travelled different planets and stars for years, growing lonelier after every year. He sometimes joined other travelling groups to find out about any new gossip about possible Dark Matter activity or some revival spells, but so far he hasn't had much luck.

Two steps forwards, one step back

At one point he was almost ready to give up on his goal. He had found some companions he grew attached to, two siblings and another person watching over them. The sister had been revived from dead, which had initially made Naos intriqued. Sadly, the siblings had lost their memory of the event so how it went down is gone. The group was trying to find these lost memories, so Naos sticked around just in case they got answers. They eventually settled down by a river as they grew tired of searching. Naos decided he might as well stay, as he hadn't had any leads from any other place nor had he found any of his kind. As time went on he grew more comfortable and even careless. The summer was warm, and since his guise was pretty hot he often went back to his true form to cool off even if he made sure nobody could see him while he did so.

One day he hadn't taken enough care, and one of his new friends happened to come by to ask him something. He came in just as Naos dropped his guise, and was obviously distressed. His yell startled Naos and he spun around to see his friend, shocked and scared. Naos realized he had made a grave mistake, and floated forward but his friend bolted away to get the others. Naos wondered what he should do. He didn't have to think for long tough, since soon he was greeted by his former companions. They were scared, but masked it with anger. Each of them held some sort of weapon. They told him that he would bring doom upon them all, and that he had to die.

None of them were very skilled fighters, and even if Naos wasn't the best of fighters either he defeated all of them by keeping distance and using ranged attacks. He had killed before, It was all part of being Dark Matter, but this was the first time he felt regret. But it was what he had to do, in order to protect himself. He couldn't let them live either, since they might tell others about his origin. Once everyone was dead, he burned down the evidence and decided he had to keep moving.

HTML by lowkeywicked