Tigerlily Marie Cortez



6 years, 25 days ago


Tigerlily Marie Cortez

Preferred name/nicknames: Lil, Lily, Tig, Tiggs, Tigger, T, etc.

Age: 13 years old

Species/breed: Bengal tiger

Sex: Female

Gender: Cisgender

Preferred pronouns: She/her/hers

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Romanticism: Heteroromantic

Personality: hot headed, blunt, outgoing, stubborn, a typical kid. 

Job and where they work: Student at Juniper School district 

House: Lives in a nice cabana with her grandmother, Sylvia who has custody of her. Also lives with her college aged sister, Tawni, and her younger sister, Moonsprite (Moony). 

Skills: Climbing

Things they can be found doing: At school, climbing the clefts around the beach

Things they would never do: Date a female or nonbinary anthro, do drugs, drink, etc. She can't swim and is resentful because of it. She never strays into the water and prefers to stay on the sand.

Side notes/key information: She is only a child. She doesn't like school in the slightest and argues with her family about her grades continuously. She's a bit of a bully.

Ref sheet/appearance: She is entirely orange with black stripes, and blonde shoulder length hair. She likes to wear hair bows and bows on her tail. She always wears her peace sign necklace. She has a lucky shirt which has a heart on the left side of her chest. 

Relationships: She gets along with her older sister well. She's neutral about her grandmother, but she strongly dislikes her younger sister because she follows her everywhere. She's friends with Kei primarily. 

Pets: A calico cat named Oceanelle 'Ocy' (Oh-shee, Oshen-elle) 

Religion: Christian 

Medical Issues: Anemia