TBN's Comments

Ough,, tempted... would you accept an art offer? In case they're still available once I get through my current list...

I would! Do you want me to hold them till then or?

I'm not sure when I'll finish, do you have a limit to how long a hold can be? Also eyeing blueberry soda cookie, maybe.

I usually do two months! But I can also extend if need be- I just started school this week so I get being busy lmao 

Blueberry soda is a good one too….

I think that might work, yeah! Here's my examples, so you can decide what you'd like in exchange for them!

Ohhh I think a digital halfbody could wok for this lad! Would this character be fine to draw?


Also would you like to go for blueberry soda too? I can choose a character for them as well! I'll move this one to pending tho!

16 Replies