(F2U) User Code 002's Comments

hi! wanted to know if there was a way to make a sort of list in the middle without the icon shifting over :( any help would be appreciated!!

Hi! Is there a way to change the white text into a different color? (The bio and open/closed for comms, requests, and trades)

i tried but i couldnt

If you mean the white part then the code would be, You would just replace the colour with your own! If you mean the blue then its one of the options at the top 


<p><span style="color: #b896f4;">dwdwd</span></p>

OMg ty!!! It worked :3


Hi! Thank you so much for making this code, it was super helpful!

I was looking for a very simple one for my side account (this one), and yours was made for me. I really appreciate that you put the possibility to change the links colors, because it's AMAZING, thank you again   

TYSM FOR USING IT!! But I noticed you removed my credit link and it is against my tos to remove, please do add it back ^^

Oh no i didn't remove anything, i wouldn't do that! i just changed the logo into a heart, that's not ok ? /genq

yup thats ok! I didnt see it at first ^^