
The Skorupalis is a species of strange bioluminescent skull dragon, a rare native of the Mysterious Shadow Realm, and often depicted as guardians of the realm. Though in the histories of the people of the realm these dragons are also foretold to bring the elderly and dying to their final resting place to pass on to the next life. 

     This dragon species in particular inhabited the Luminous Shroom Groves like her native kind, concocting potions from the shrooms there until she wanted to explore a new world through the shadow portal. Taking spores and seeds from her plant and fungal collection she then ventured to the world of light and discovered there was so much to learn. She settled among those there and started a new life. Increasing her knowledge and experiments. But desiring more knowledge, though a good thing, can also lead to disasters.

Name: Barva Onstran (Colour Beyond)

Species: Skorupalis 

Gender: Female

Orientation: Straight

Partner: none

Powers/abilities: shadow bending, shifting (Anthro Form), noxious breath, poison stinger on tail.

Skills learned: magic skills from her own world and the world of light. Primarily Fire, Water And electricity. 


-feral: 5’2” to the shoulders 

-anthro: 6’5”


-generally sweet

-not shy but likes her alone time






-testing potions on herself and others 



-the change of seasons

-discovering new things

-discussing knowledgeable topics



-rude behaviour 

-being ignored

-sitting around doing nothing for too long

-combing her main and tail 


     During the day of this realm of light her body hides most the skeletal appearance but it’s still faintly visible . She has a fluffy white and green mane and Mohawk that runs down the whole length of her body and tail. At night her body once again shows the full skeletal design on her form that can be seen at any angle. her bones colour is primarily pure white unless she drinks a coloured potion she concocts.

Artist tips:

-the skeletal form is always visible at the angle of the viewer as if looking at the skeleton itself. (Though simplified shapes)

-bat like wings are NOT optional.

-daylight views of her has a faded skeletal design except her skull and tail tip

-scorpion tail stinger can be hidden under tail floof

-often wears a lab coat but will wear other more adventurous attire when exploring