Cobalt Spider (Earth-73367)



11 months, 28 days ago



Felix Wavell

he/him male
New York

//Felix Wavell (Cobalt Spider)

Felix lives in New York, but a different New York. Here, the sun is filled with orange, and the ubiquitous blue and navy create an appropriate, calming and inspiring atmosphere. Felix's world is full of technology, but is not very futuristic; New York is similar to that of Earth-1610B, but richer in technology and engineering. Although this world is beautiful, it is impossible to experience many stars in the sky at night. Instead, the night sky is covered with clouds due to high smog emissions.

Felix has lived in New York since he was born. This is where he spent his childhood and grew up. Since childhood he was more of the introverted type, he was fascinated by technology and technology. He tried new developments and wanted to make breakthroughs. He often sat in his room and created instead of meeting somewhere with his friends. His passion was incomprehensible to most people. The only creature that supported him was his beloved dog.

The spider bit him unexpectedly, during one of his visits to the science center. After being bitten by the spider, he finally realized that this was his key to obtaining much more advanced technology than he had before, although he was already creating things in his attic that were considered quite illegal for heads of state. Under cover of darkness, he managed to sneak into one of the guarded military laboratories, where he discovered ways to make not only pyrotechnic charges but also all sorts of chemical substances. These included Penicillin, morphine and even a neurotoxin that allowed him to create gadgets that gave him an advantage in battle. He didn't like conventional solutions, preferring to leave his gifts to an unsuspecting enemy a week before the action. He was also not bothered by outsider casualties, after all, the end justifies the means as they say.

He managed to design his own webs, but it didn't stop there. He noticed that having spider powers could involve constant experimentation. He researched his new abilities every now and then and tried to create something new. He felt that since he was strong, he could help others with his power. However, his methods were not always merciful and gentle. He created his own unique outfit, which is flooded with technology. Some of his elements glow in the dark, such as his eyes. He has earned the nickname Cobalt Spider.

Like any spider character, he lost someone important. But this time it was neither a family member nor someone very close to him.  This time it was his beloved dog, who was shot in his home. He was very concerned about the death of his friend, after which he went from being a quiet boy to being the serious and scary one. As a spider, he sometimes makes jokes, but his humor is quite specific. He most enjoys scaring his enemies.

Nevertheless, it was still not enough for him, he knew he was made for bigger things, much bigger. He started working on a device that would allow him to travel between places in the blink of an eye, unfortunately something went wrong, something had to. In fact, he managed to move to another place, but also to another time and universe. Suddenly he appeared on the edge of the Edge observation deck itself, actually a little bit next to the edge. He was already used to it so it was another sightseeing flight for him. Living in the moment, he suddenly felt something grab him by the back and momentarily pulled him upward. He happened to realize the situation and quickly located the reason. It was another spider, stately in its acrobatics which it performed with unheard-of grace, unlike Cobalt who relied on speed and efficiency.

He returned the favor to his new acquaintance by catching it like a net in flight and pulling it in his direction. A quick exchange of glances as they flew past each other for a split second, which for him lasted indefinitely, was enough to know that he had arrived in a good universe, despite the coincidence. At the same moment he happened to toss her his robotic friend, a small titanium spider which he christened Rubid. There was something unusual about his newfound friend, something attracted him to her, and it wasn't the web.