Foxxy Methoxy



11 months, 21 days ago


RZlOuzB.png Road 96 - Org
Stats and info
Foxxy Methoxxy


Jarod Art Nature Scamming Rain Fruit Leafs Old cartoons Earthy colors pop music
Likes and dislikes;
  • Jarod
  • Cute nails
  • Decorating her phone
  • Putting stickers on Jarods Taxi
  • Bug killers
  • Quiet
  • Chipped nails
  • No clothes

Foxxy doesn't say much about her past but we do know that she left home at an early age and spend years outside and on the road. She learned how to survive off the land and spent a lot of time away from people, news, and, electronics. Years go by and she's now living in a van but it gets busted after an accident and she roamed around moving from place to place. Foxxy likes to tell stories to the people she meets, some are true some are not but you'll never know. It's also knows that Foxxy Mentoxxy isnt her real name. There's a story she tells people about how she's a vampire, she shows them her teeth but she could of lying. Years go by and in an abandoned trailer park, she meets Jarod.


Foxxy is riding along with Jarod in his taxi, moving from place to place. While on the road she likes to help teens cross the border by giving them money, rides, food, etc... Foxxy likes to decorate Jarod's taxi with stickers, toys, and other stuff she can find.


Foxxy has dark skin and dark brown hair that turns black at the end, she has freckles around her face, a unibrow, and 2 moles on the left side of her face. Her eyes are a light yellow and her irises are a red gradient with heavy eyebags under them. Her teeth are sharp with 2 long canines with a gap in the middle, giving her a slight lisp. Foxxy's ears are also slightly pointed.

Though Foxxy changes her outfits as much as she can, you will usually see her in a long green tie on top with worn bell bottom chaps that turn lighter to the bottom and show her underwear. For shoes, she wears short brown boots or no shoes at all. For head accessories, she has a green bandana and a lip ring. For her hands, she wears different types of rings she can find or that she made, she also likes to paint her nails or get acrylics.

Design notes
  • Unibrow is not OP.
  • Fangs are not OP.
  • Has 2 moles on her face.
  • Almost never fully clothed.
Do/Do not
Make her skin dark Make her skin lighter
Earthy colors Bright colors
Jarod Thompson BFFS!! 🌿

Foxxy met Jarod when tearing down an old abandoned trailer park, he threatened her a bit and she soon left after. Their second meeting was at a celebrity party with Sonya. While looking for her wallet she finds Jarod, but he quickly disappears. They meet again a couple more times, most of them with him threatening her but soon they both meet at a bar. Foxxy was working at the bar for a quick buck when Jarod came in, that's when they formally meet.
John Freinds 🌿
Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum.
Fanny Enemy 🌿
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.
Zoe Ew... 🌿
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.
Sonya Sugar Mama 🌿
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.
Alex Annoying kid 🌿
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.
Stan and Mitch Funny twins 🌿
Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui. Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a.

  • Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Phasellus lobortis condimentum varius. Praesent ac ligula eget nisi auctor euismod. Pellentesque egestas congue erat sed bibendum.
  • Phasellus in arcu volutpat, scelerisque nibh a, ornare mauris. Nullam nec nulla ut enim sagittis cursus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia curae; Quisque id velit pellentesque, vestibulum magna vel, ullamcorper dui.
  • Donec scelerisque orci ex, sed accumsan est efficitur a. Orci varius natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus.
  • Sed feugiat, ex eget lobortis auctor, ex sem semper nunc, non condimentum velit ipsum in risus. Vivamus vestibulum sagittis laoreet.

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thanks for using Pretty guardian!! folder pink {big} hope u enjoyed my code, sorry for the messyness btw.