Friedrick Hafer



1 year, 3 months ago



Name Friedrick Hafer
Called Friedrick, Frankenstein (and derivatives of)
Age 23 (March 27th)
Gender Male
Race Human / Bau
Flower Acanthus
Relationship Status Single
Playlist Big and Loud
Mineral Lepidolite
Voice Sample TBA


  • Game Design
  • Art (Sketching, 3D modeling, digital, pixel)
  • Fist fighting
  • Compartmentalizing


  • Oblivious
  • Addictive personality (smokes, drinks, gambling, games, etc.)
  • Forgetful
  • Careless


  • Video games
  • Weaponry
  • Beer
  • Small and cute things


  • His cheap computer
  • Gamer elitism/gatekeeping
  • Facial hair (his own)
  • Gelatin



If there's a single word to describe Friedrick, it's big. He stands at a whopping 6'4", is broad-shouldered, barrel-chested, and wide-hipped. He is equipped with muscular arms, thick thighs, and large hands and feet. He has a prominent Adam's apple, and his hair is extra fluffy. Friedrick has some extra weight on him that settles mostly around his midsection, and he's got a slightly round face and somewhat square jaw. He was small and round growing up, and he shot up like a weed in middle school, where he earned the nickname "Frankenstein" (he takes every opportunity to remind people who call him this that they mean Frankenstein's monster, but he consoles himself with the idea that Frankenstein was a brilliant doctor, and he himself is also fairly smart). His growth spurt happened entirely over the course of a summer, and he endured a lot of pain from the experience, and has stretch marks all across his body where it grew as a result. His hair is messy and white, his bangs being the only symmetrical part. He can never seem to get the rest of his hair to cooperate, and one side often ends up straighter and flatter, whereas the other side usually ends up wild and splayed, as though he woke up with post-shower bedhead and immediately applied hairspray. The side that's uncooperative tends to change by the day. He has light, grayish purple eyes. He has bad posture from hunching over his laptop all the time. He tends to be fairly expressionless, and doesn't emote well. He looks bored even when talking about his passions. He gets poor sleep and usually has exhaustion lines around his eyes. He likes to wear extremely casual clothes (graphic tees and jeans, for example), and prefers suspenders to belts (he finds them more comfortable). He likes to wear a spiked collar, piercings (nose and ears), and various, thick rings, but doesn't mind taking them out. Often has bruises and band-aids; he often has no concept of how big he is in his own environment, and constantly bumps into things or overestimates how much space he has around him. Hits things like his elbows, knees, feet, and head all the time. Friedrick's facial hair grows quickly, but he hates having any, so he shaves often. Still, sometimes stray stubble will show up on his face, much to his chagrin.


Friedrick is casually social and is easy to make friends with, though he usually doesn't get very close to people. He has an incredibly laid-back personality, and appears calm or bored most of the time, even when he's not (talking about his passions or getting angry barely makes a change in his tone and body language). He's thoughtful, and usually gives good advice. He thinks it's important for everyone to have hobbies. Despite the fact that he's laid-back and seems lazy, he's actually quite responsible--chores are important to him, and he likes to keep a clean workspace and living area (a proper place for everything is a must!). This also helps because he’s a bit forgetful and if he knows where he’s likely to put something already, he’ll have an easier time finding it. Though it wouldn't seem like it, he's perfect househusband material. He likes dating, and having a significant other, but he goes in and out of partners for various reasons. He really likes smaller people (he's taller than most, so that's usually everyone, but the smaller, the better!)--he's physically affectionate and loves things like being the 'big spoon'. He feels protective of those smaller than him, even if he doesn't let on. He'd never admit to it, but he likes getting chances to defend others. He's good with children and animals and thinks their antics are cute. As mentioned in the previous section, Friedrick has a hard time keeping in mind how big and intimidating he is without even trying, so he has a tendency to scare people without realizing it. He always feels extremely guilty about this when he realizes it, and tries to emphasize that he's less 'grizzly' and more 'teddy'. Though bisexual, Friedrick has a preference for girls with a cute aesthetic. Earns money by taking commissions for his art (usually sprite sheets etc.), and by selling a few, small games.

Friedrick has a pet rabbit named "Honey" that he gives free reign of the apartment while he's home and awake. She's a friendly Argente Cremè and Friedrick treats her like a princess.

As Bau Oat

DNA: Orca
Color: Lilac
Mark: TBA
Weapon: Cannoats -- Small, tube-like cannons that surround Bau Oat's hands and forearms. He can't use his hands when he's in his Bau form. As a tradeoff, his attacks are fairly punishing when they hit.
Attack Name: Chained Oat Blitzkrieg -- Bau Oat continuously fires small shots of sound from his Cannoats in rapid succession, as though manning a machine gun. The shots are fast and difficult to completely dodge. The longer he uses this attack, the hotter his Cannoats become, and he'll eventually sustain burns if he keeps it up. These burns can sometimes last past his de-transformation, if they're severe enough.
Attack Name 2: Chained Oat Strike -- Bau Oat charges up his Cannoats for several seconds and then emits a powerful, combined blast of sound from them. The force is intense enough to scoot him backwards from the recoil unless he's being held down by something. He leaves himself open to attacks when charging, which can interrupt the charge, but if it goes off, the blast is enough to take a contender out of commission. Once he's used it, his Cannoats need a brief cooldown period before he can use either of his attacks again. Bau Oat rarely uses this attack.
Special Ability: When needed, Bau Oat can transform himself into a merman with an orca tail. He's built for speed and physical power in this form only--gods help him if he uses his bau attacks underwater, because he can't withstand the force of them and gets blown backwards out of control.
Personality Etc. Changes: Doesn't change much. Loyal to the aliens as he's supposed to be, acts a bit more like a soldier and is good at following orders. Prefers to use his own physical strength and the Cannoats as objects themselves (as bludgeoning weapons) to his bau attacks (but it's mostly because he likes fist fighting). Keeps a cool head unless something dire happens. Relies heavily on other baus, guardians, and aliens in fights to distract opponents when he uses his bau abilities. Cooperation is the name of the game for him! He hates engaging solo against multiple enemies, and will usually flee, or pepper opponents with his Chained Oat Blitzkrieg in order to create a distraction and then escape.


Yukio --- Friedrick's roommate. Friedrick finds Yukio to be a suitable roommate for the most part; he keeps his space clean and is generally open to lax conversation. They can work and enjoy themselves around each other in peace. When Yukio brings someone home and is noisy, Friedrick simply puts his headphones on. He doesn't like that Yukio is hurtful to the people he's dating, however, and sometimes encourages him to take things more seriously. Friedrick also drew a hard line after a particularly harrowing experience: if you're going to bring someone home and then break up with them, you have to break up with them outside the apartment, no excuses. Yukio has since always respected this agreement.

Pan --- (UNDER CONSTRUCTION) A friend of sorts that Friedrick met through Yukio. Friedrick is fond of Pan (he's small!! he's just a little guy!!), and enjoys discussing games with him. Friedrick hadn't delved much into dating sims and visual novels before he met Pan, and has now been swept up in the genre. He doesn't consider himself much of a writer, but likes the idea of someday making his own.

Sonny --- Friedrick doesn't really know Sonny, but he's seen her with Pan. They're both so cute and small, this is his real life ship. He doesn't go out of his way, but when the opportunity arises to get them into romcom hijinks, he'll take it. He also keeps Yukio off of Sonny's back when he's able.

Naru --- Friedrick met Naru at college when Naru stumbled into a demo fair of sorts that one of Friedrick's game classes was hosting. Naru had never played a video game before, and although he didn't really care for the experience, they became fast friends. They hang out sometimes, and Friedrick keeps trying to foist new hobbies onto Naru, hoping that something will stick--he thinks it's heinous that Naru practically only has one (1) hobby. He keeps suggesting kinds of games, but Naru is bad at them and generally uninterested. The two sometimes converse in German.

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