✧| Gummie |✧'s Comments

anyone of similar worth in my ‘ocs’ folder catch your eye? 

i’m super connected to Diana rn but i’d do either of the other two^^

hmmm then sorry, I think I may pass ! Diana was the one i was most interested in, + idt ill trade Marley for the other two alone

i’ll have to think then and get back to you ^_^

hiya i’ve considered and i think ill do Diana, i haven’t used them as much as they deserve so it’ll be nice to see them go to a better home!

thought abt it a lil and ill accept ! I love Diana so so much i got plenty of ideas hEhe, ill transfer over !

1 Replies

anyone in my TH?:3 can be up to 2 characters 

Theres cuties but i unfortunately didnt see anyone I'd use !

if u accept art offers soon, can I get pingedTT? If it's oki

I am considering art offers atm but v picky abt it !

eeek I could offer 5 fully coloured art pieces, can be waist up or knee up,,, art samples