Ling Mai



1 year, 12 days ago



Ling Mai





Stern, Vigilant, Protective

Residence: Ba Sing Se

Ling Mai is an ex-Warrior of the Earth Kingdom, now living in Ba Sing Se. During her time as a Warrior, she was one of its strongest members, having known the arts of Earthbending and using it to their advantage. However, during one of her battles, she was terribly injured by a landslide they caused with their bending, scarring theirbody heavily as well as injuring and killing some of her own warriors. Due to this event, they left and abandoned Earthbending, swearing to never use it again. While they may have abandoned the life of a warrior, she still wears the warrior face paint as a sign that they can never escape their past, forever suffering from their actions, reliving her regrets whenever she looked at herself. She now runs a teashop in Ba Sing Se.


Ling Mai is an ex-Kyoshi Warrior member, now living in Ba Sing Se. During her time as a Kyoshi Warrior, she was one of its strongest members, having known the arts of Earthbending and using it to their advantage. However, during one of the Kyoshi member's battles, she was terribly injured by a landslide they caused with their bending, scarring theirbody heavily as well as injuring and killing some of her own warriors. Due to this event, they left the Kyoshi members and abandoned Earthbending, swearing to never use it again. While they may have left the Kyoshi members, she still wears the face paint as a sign that they can never escape their past, forever suffering from their actions, reliving her regrets whenever she looked at herself.Â