


11 months, 27 days ago



name: kennedy parker
nickname(s): ned, kenny
universe: earth-1212
nationality: australian
pronouns: he/him
gender: idk
age: 18
birthday: 22/05

a spidey from earth-1212, a dystopian australia inspired by bladerunner & akira


silent focused nosy af

extrovert introvert
sensing intuition
thinking feeling
judging perceiving


cold drinks, weather noises, music


getting sweaty, loud noises, big crowds

to write later

Kennedy Parker lived with his uncle Benjamin in an apartment, going to a nearby highschool and working several part time jobs. He had a major interest in biology, especially genetics, and got good grades at school despite his poor attendance rates.
During a highschool excursion to Earth-1212’s Oscorp, Osborne Defence (run by Normani Osborne) he snuck away from his classmates to take photos of some of the labs for his blog. A major security breach happened in one of the basement levels, and when the complex began to shake he fell, knocking over and shattering a terrarium housing a symbiotic colony of spiders.
These spiders were genetically engineered to function like a bee colony and produce highly durable silk, with a large queen spider that ended up biting him. He was found by a security officer on his way out after the breach was contained, and managed to pass off the tresspassing as him just trying to find the bathroom. His classmates had already left but his homeroom teacher Maybelle "Bella" Reilly had waited for him, and drove him back to his apartment after he said he felt sick.
After developing powers, he spent several days just experimenting between work shifts and school. As well as the usual web-slinging and sticking to walls, he grew neurotoxin-producing fangs.
One night he was contacted online by a user simply giving him a set of coordinates and a time. Though thinking nothing of it, Kennedy went to the location, staying in the shadows and eventually seeing several armed & masked teenagers walk out of a club. He followed them to a nearby store, not interfering when the gang of teenagers robbed it, just going home once he saw that nobody died.
The next afternoon his uncle texted him that he was going to get some groceries, but when Kennedy got home from work that night the apartment was empty. He called and texted but didn't receive a reply. He headed to the nearby store they frequented, which had become a crime scene after a local group had robbed it, Uncle Ben being shot by accident while trying to protect other customers.
After going home he was contacted once again by the anonymous user, who revealed herself as Project C-455, Earth-1212's Madame Web, a sentient artificial intelligence built by Osborne Defence to predict their enemies. C-455 revealed that she had caused the security breach as a diversion to leave her closed network. C-455 showed him the security footage from the store's cameras, and Kennedy realised that the robbery was the same group he had seen the previous night. From that night onwards he decided to use his powers to fight crime, assisted by C-455. Though he's frequently spotted in action, he has no interest in the spotlight, and prefers to work alone.

  • to be written
  • to be written
    • subnote
  • to be written

design notes


below avg







  • design note.
  • design note.
  • design note.
    • subnote, elaborate on design aspect above.







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''...nuh uh.''
