Apollo Rykar



1 year, 3 months ago


Apollo Rykar


Name Apollo Rykar
Called The younger Rykar brother
Age 40
Gender Male
Species/race Wolf
Alliance Hero
Sexuality Hetero-sexual


  • Shy
  • Kind
  • Compassionate


  • Spending time with friend
  • Studying
  • Relaxing with music


Apollo was born as the youngest of his 3 brothers, Phantom and Grim. Though they weren't always together. Apollo was seperated from them at an extremely young age and handed off to a very toxic and abusive family, raised until the age of 10 where, in a very fit of angst rage, murdered his adoptive family before they could do anything drastic to him. He ran away and was soon enough picked up by an orphanage and lived there until we was 17. While he grew up, he met a young rabbit lady named Natasha that he eventually grew close to, but had found out once they started dating that it was all just a bet from Natasha's friends, lying that she was "into him". He found out of the truth on his 17th birthday and was jumped by them, watching Natasha fall into the arms of someone else she deemed was "better" and more "sexier" than him. Feeling betrayed and broken, the wolf ran away, never to return to that place ever again. Soon enough after a lot of traveling, he met up with the hedgwolf Kiryu and eventually was reunited with his brother Phantom, but they weren't on good terms at first. Phantom picked on him, mocked him and belittled him for being "weak". Soon enough, Apollo yet again ran, this time turning to the dark side for help and soon served under the Windyx, leading the group known as the Executioners, until Joineth was able to battle him and free him from his dark past.


Currently, Apollo serves as a police officer for the Westville city police department, hoping to further strengthen his body, mind and soul to improve himself. He lives in a 3 bedroom, 1 bath apartment that is around 10-15 minutes from his job. Doesn't maintain a drivers license but does catch cabs whenever he can. He also does demon hunting as a secondary, freelance job for Syn HQ. He likes to spend his time with his close friends Winter and Nevaeh, and every now and then, heads to the local bar for drinks to relax the weekend away.


Apollo takes his future very serious, always trying to think of what he do to better himself on every aspect, never wanting to fall back into that dark past he once experience. Always reading, studying, and goal making, Apollo takes his planning one step at a time, always finding ways to improvise himself whenever he sees fit. He secretely wants children, but hasn't told anyone for the fear of not being a good enough father and feeling that whoever he has a kid with, he will be left with for "someone better", but is always reassured by his brother that things will always be better, for if the brother can do it, he can to.

Fun facts

  • Legoshi is this OC's inspiration
  • Has a tendency to be an extremely closed up wall meeting new people, but once comfortable, acts like your best friend
  • Uses a mixture of ice and demonic-like ice powers
  • Likes his friends, family and oddly enough, drinking
  • Once had plans to become an entrepreneur but soon gave up when he realized "success" businesses are just scams



Apollo Rykar [ Brother ]

Phantom is the elder, much more tougher and intimidating brother of Apollo. When they met up when Apollo was older, they had such a rocky reunion. Being made fun of, Apollo had endure moments of being depressed but pressed through and shrugged it off. Eventually over time, after both of the Rykar brothers got over their situations and became close siblings, finally getting along. Apollo supports his brother and wishes nothing but the best for him and his family.


Winter Moonveil [ Best friend ]

The two of these met shortly after Apollo was rescued by Joineth, with Apollo meeting Winter one day while he was trying to figure out what he'd do. Feeling bad for him, she stuck by his side and soon the two of them became friends, became close and now are best friends. While not having anything more than that, Winter tells Apollo she cares deeply for him, and he normally goes to her for relationship advice, sort of being a "judge" of whom wants to be with him, as she wishes not to see him hurt, since she has had her fair share of being hurt in the past by friends and family as well.


Nevaeh [ Close friend ]

These two had a funny beginning, as Apollo was on a case and met Nevaeh as she was running away, looking for something. Soon enough, he caught up and almost brought her into questioning until she revealed she was looking for something that was stolen from her. Apollo helped her retrieve things she'd been wanting, and even stopped by his office to thank him personally. From there, they became friends, and soon close friends. They hang out every now and then, supporting each others dreams, with Apollo telling Nevaeh she's the third female he's formed a close bond with.