「Misumi Tatebayashi」



1 year, 5 days ago


Misumi Tatebayashi | 21 | He/Him | Gay | Relationship WIP/Taken 

ex boyfriend of Azayaka Sadakane

Misumi Tatebayashi is a known appraiser whose skilled in appraising art, buildings, and all kinds of items. With his extensive knowledge, he is very wise in his craft and knows a lot about many subjects, near seeming omnipotent in his knowledge. He is very knowledgeable and wise, studying many subjects and loving to learn. He has been known to previously work beneath his family, but now working independently without any restrictions. Traveling around Japan and doing much work where appraisals are needed. He’s highly sought after from many in the art industry and real estate.

Misumi is known to be from extravagance and wealth, his family being extremely wealthy and living a life of decadence. Not much of his life is known though, such as why he has separated from his family and has gone his own path like most of the Tatebayashi’s sons. Apart from this, he is known to be a skilled artist who does paint and is actually very good at it; as many of his pieces are very expensive and highly sought after for their uniqueness.