
1 year, 4 days ago


Name: Viper
Aliases: None
Gender/Pronouns: Male, He/Him

Sexual/Romantic Orientation: Straight
Age: 8 moons
Birthdate: December 16th
Occupation: Loner/Rouge

Height: Normal Cat Height 
Build: Muscular
Skin Tone: Dark gray

Hair: Calico
Eyes: Green and Yellow
Identifying Marks: His tail that looks like a snake
Personality: Mischievous, Evil little shit
Motivations: To show he can fight and beat everyone
Current Goal: To make his father proud
Life Goal: To be the best
Motto: Be a little bitch

Best Quality: He is quite clever
Worst Quality: He's very obnoxious and mean
Fears: Anyone hurting his brother
Hobbies: Being a menace to society
Talents: Fighting
Skills: Fighting

Alignment: Chaotic Evil